
The force of gathering, create a beautiful white water

2022-04-07 23:27:42 10

Create a national health county, is an important measure of the Baishui County Party Committee, the county government to beautify the urban environment, promote urban and rural civilization, improve the happiness index of the masses, and build "five new" white water. Since this year, under the correct leadership of the county party committee and county government, all levels and departments will combine the national and health and practice the massive route education practice activities, and identify cadres in the creation of cadres, the changes in work style, and effectively solve the masses. The problem of hot hardships needed to be expected, and two promotion is not mistaken, so that the work has been in an orderly manner.

Suspension troubles

In order to effectively practice the mass line education practice activities, leaders at all levels of the county adhere to the first line of innovation, launching the masses, cracking the problem, and changing the urban and rural appearance, improving the quality of life, enhancing their quality.

In the route education activities, the county is based on ecological development purposes, combined with the creation of work requirements, and vigorously implement a series of comprehensive management projects. In order to deepening atmospheric pollution, protect the water source, introduced "Atmospheric Pollution Comprehensive Rehabilitation Work Plan", fully dismantled the coal-fired boiler in the county; conducting the upgrading of the water pipe network, the urban water supply peak rate, the water quality rate of more than 98%; Cracked green projects, planting more than 1,000 street trees, two new green Squares; successively completed a large number of urban public welfare facilities for urban public welfare facilities such as sewage treatment plants, natural gas, heating; dismantling 6 illegal buildings; open and completed The green, bright and hardening tasks of three breakways; investment of more than 50,000 yuan to control the problem of dirty in the railway. According to the idea of ​​"street brightening, building booth, plaza, plaque", the main street public welfare lighting project and night lighting renewal is maintained, and the highlights of the main road reach more than 99%, so that the people of the county Deeply feel the changes in the environment.

Attack hard, hard work

In Chuangguang Work, leading cadres at all levels, especially "one hand" further increased the work of doing practical things and truth, and did the purpose of consistently insisting on the needs of the people as a creative job. The party and the government in the masses in the masses.

In order to shape clean, neat, beautiful, beautiful urban image, the county continues to increase the comprehensive rectification of the city capacity. Established 29 county-level leadership package, 29 lead portions to grasp the work responsibility system, take the monthly evaluation, seasonal notification, annual assessment method, strengthen responsibility, each Baolian County Leader often participates in the volunteer labor, Inspection and guidance work. The county party committee and the county government regularly held the problems existing in the joint meeting of the study solution, the county people, the county political association annual organizational representatives, the members inspected the guiding innocent work, and 16 proposals and 16 cases. All departments and towns have always adhered to leadership leadership, the joints of the group, and firmly grasp the creation of the creation in the hands, forming up and down, people involved, harmonious sharing. Chuangguo Wei has not only improved the level of urban management, but more valuable is to condense the people's hearts, close the relationship between the party group, enhance the confidence, enrich the connotation of the mass line education practice activities.

Grouped groups together为了促进全国成立的工作,县秉承“全部依赖群众,全部为群众”的工作原则,并取消了群众线教育实践的主要内容,关闭群众。通过开展“一个主题,每周整改关键”的活动,运输令,城市外观,建筑工地,食品安全,住宅卫生,绿化管理,公共场所,环保都是全部修复。城市巴士,禁止60多家非法运营车,标准化的出租车管理;投资超过500万元,建立城乡综合垃圾收集和运作机制;规则施工现场和急救墙的徽标规格;开展“六个小型行业”的定量合规活动;从来源,煤矿污染,电厂相关公司,集中在石灰窑等调查污染企业,进一步改善人类生活环境,增强了城市等级。


In the next step, the county will continue to carry forward the spirit of innovation, continuously explore improved working mechanisms in the consolidation results, promote urban refinement management; continuously develop and innovate in the improvement and rectification, promote cross-step levels in various work; Increasing coverage, promoting the pace of one city with hometown, urban and rural linkage, and blowing the Corn Day Corner and brighter, and creates a more livable living space for the people of the country.



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小学生优秀作文:禁毒有我 阳光前行

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