

2021-12-30 12:39:11 6

1. chan’s restaurant on baker street, _______ used to be poorlyrun, is now a successful business. (浙江)

a.that         b. which      c. who      d. where

2. jim passed the driving test, _______ surprised everybody inthe office. (浙江)

 a.which    b.that               c.this            d.it

3. her sister has become a lawyer, _______ she wanted to be.(湖北)

a. who    b.that          c.what                     d. which

4. anyway, that evening, _______ i’ll tell you more about later,i ended up staying at rachel’s place. (浙江)

a.when          b.where            c.what     d. which

5. york, _______ last year, is a nice old city. (北京)

 a. that i visited                 b. which ivisited     

c. where i visited             d. in which i visited

6.he paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most of____hadn’t been cleaned for at least a year.

athese    bthose     cthat    d which

7. i shall never those years____ i lived in the country with thefarmers,____ has a great effect on mylife.

athat/which    b when/ which   cwhich/that   d when/ who

8. the old lady had one son and two daughters,_____ treated herwell,

____ made her very sad.

a no one of whom;as     b none of whom; that

c none of whom;which    d noneof them; which

9. dorothy was always speaking highly her role in the play,_____of

 course made the others unhappy.

awho    bwhich    cthis      d what

10. by serving others, a person focuse on someone other thanhimself or herself,_____ can be very eye-opening and rewarding.

a who    bwhich    cwhat    d that

11(09全国1)she brought with her three friends, none of ____ i had ever met before.

a.them         b.who           c. whom         d.these

12(09全国2)my friend showed me round the town, ______was vey kind of him.

a. which         b. that          c. where          d.it

13(北京)-----what do you think of teaching, bob?

 -----i find it fun and challenging . it is a job ____ you are doing something 

serious but interesting.

a.where      b. which             c.when           d.that

14(09湖南)i was born in new orleans, louisiana, a city _____name will create a 

picture of beautiful trees and green grass in our mind.

a.which     b.of which      c.that            d.whose

15(09湖南)gun control is a subject _____americans have argued for a long time

a.of which     b.with which        c.about which     d.into which

16(09重庆)life is like a long race _____we compete with others to go beyond 

ourselves.a.why      b.what       c.that          d.where

17(09山东)whenever i met her ,______ was fairly often, she greeted me with a 

sweet smile. a.who       b.which      c.when         d.that

18(09福建)it’s helplful to put children in a situation ____they can see themselves 

differently.    a.that     b.when      c.which       d.where

19(09安徽)many children, ____parents are away working in big cities, are taken 

good care of in the village.

a.their  b.whose   c.of them  d.with whom

20(09天津)a person _____e-mail account is full won’t be able to send or 

receive any e-mails.

a.who    b.whom     c.whose      d.whoever


Lesson  8  What do you know?

lesson  8  what do you know? 1. 复习本单元的单词和词组1)两个学生在前面做动作,其他学生看动作,猜单词 eat, talk, count, walk, jump

八年级英语下Unit 5 Topic3 SectionC教学设计

unit 5 topic3 sectioncⅰ. aims and demands 目标要求1. learn some new words:   especially, hang, tear


                         1. 重点句型  1). it’s adj for sb to do   做…对某人来说…  2)

Lesson3 Chinese Paper Art教案

teaching aims:to practise scanning the text to extract specific informationto practise giving defini


999句最常用英语口语1. i see. 我明白了。2. i quit! 我不干了!3. let go! 放手!4. me too. 我也是。5. my god! 天哪!6. no way! 不行


             unit 1 where’s your pen pal from


初三英语备课组                   unit 14    shopping教材分析本单元的中心话题是“购物”,所有的对话、课文及练习都是围绕这一话题展开的

高一必修1 Unit 2复习资料

unit 2 english around the world目标认知重点词汇  even if      come up     in the way     present     recogni


i. 重点词汇1  applicant  n .申请人2  arbitrary  adj  随意的

8B Unit1词组与句子

8b unit 1一个小时前它在碗里的。                        it was in the bowl an hour ago.1. 你看到我的食物了吗

6A Unit7 At Christmas

教学内容:b、c部分教学目的、要求:1、掌握watch, teapot, wallet, calculator, skateboard, comb, mirror, hairdryer

高考英语第一轮单元知识点复习Unit 8

unit 8理解:要点诠释单词1.stick讲:stick可以用作名词和动词,名词的意思为“棒,棍”。作动词时构成短语stick to,多表示“坚持(原则,计划,诺言,决定等)”

初二英语Unit 13(新课标版八年级英语上册教案教学设计)

Lesson 49教学目标  学会口头邀请和应答的常用基本用语。1. A: Would you like to …  B: Certainly. I’d love to.2

高中英语“阅读教学与写作教学有效整合”教学设计与反思 (人教版英语高二)

一、 设计理念: 这是一节在新课标理念下,采取师生互动、以读促写、读写结合,教师引导学生理解课文内容及进行写作训练的课。这种阅读教学与写作教学有效整合的英语课堂教学模式,能有效激发学生的学习兴趣


XX年高一英语上学期25分钟限时阅读天天练—第9天阅读理解(30分)       aa teacher stood in front of his history class of twenty st




思有以下几点: 一、 以学生实际情况为出发,认真备好每一堂课   备课是教师课前所作的准备工作。教学是一种有目的、有计划的活动,它既有明确的意义又有大致的范围


活动目标:    为了配合学校开展的爱国主义教育系列活动,进行热爱祖国勤奋学习主题班会。通过爱国主义教育,使学生真正树立起为振兴祖国,提高中华民族素质,奋发读书的远大理想,从而提高学习积极性




活动目标:1. 培养幼儿参加音乐活动的兴趣。2. 引导幼儿安静的倾听,能根据歌词内容配上相应的动作,增强节奏感。3. 学唱歌曲,加深对交通安全的认识。活动准备:录音机、磁带、交通标志、玩具汽车

高三《第四章 第一节 细胞的生物膜系统》教学反思

一、成功之处 1.设计思想的实现   根据教学设计思想,我在教学过程中注意与高中必修教材相关内容的衔接,使学生明确知识的整体性。如:以动物细胞为例复习和回顾高二相关知识点


        这个星期把Unit3结束了,觉得上地有点急,第三单元的单词应该说是在比较难的,对三年级的小学生来说要把pineapple, watermelon能记住是很难的


一、教材分析    《奇异的绘画天地》是小学信息技术教材第一册(下)第二课中的内容,教学对象是小学四年级学生。它是教材关于画图知识铺垫的延伸,并且贯穿着以后整个的画图知识教学


  钞,读音:[chāo]  部首: 钅  部外笔画: 4  总笔画: 9  五笔86: qitt  五笔98: qitt  仓颉: opfh  笔顺编号: 311152343  四角号码: 8972


  地理组 万思泉  各位领导,老师:  大家好!  今天我讲的课题是《北方地区和南方地区》.  首先,我对本节教材进行一下分析:  一