

2021-10-10 12:08:55 26



  We live in this colorful world experience joy also had sad realized in the world in the failure of suantiankula found themselves in the successful confidence to move on. Reality of the society the smile is the most real language fail give yourself a smile let oneself better understanding oneself in the failure to see my own shortcomings in the next time the last time also avoid detours this seems to be every failure in life plays an important role now the more failures the less they encountered when dealing with the failure. Finally we took a article is already experienced hardships of hone smooth shine avenue.

  A smile is the bright sunshine after the storm that bring the warmth; Smile a delicious oasis in the desert has brought people hope; A wisp of a smile is the hot sun bursts of breeze bring a cool and refreshing.

  When the storm hit coastal destroyed houses and farmland blow not to walk is the survival of triumphalism. When the heavy rain burst the dam and buildings people can't rush is the fear of life strong smile. Forget the local people hand in hand shoulder to shoulder to flood fighting together forget the people with lofty ideals come from every corner of the world to aid the friendliness. Although color is different different race the same is the depth of the wisp of smile like sunlight warm the disaster area people out cold. It is the thoughts of their strong optimistic and friendly smile to overcome any difficulties. We want to give life a strong smiling face calm to face the stumbling block in life.

  Smile is a kind of arc it is the most beautiful arc.

  Smile it is a seed can grow into towering trees

  The classmates smile! Such a smile to face life.


  Life is like a mirror. You cry to it it also cry to you if you want it smile at you you only have one way is smile for it. Smile is one of the most beautiful and charming look. Sincere warm and happy.

  In life there is success there is failure failure doesn't mean you are a loser failure shows that you haven't succeeded yet; Failure doesn't mean you don't have to show that you're not trying hard enough; Failure doesn't mean that you must confess that you need to learn; Failure doesn't mean you have accomplished nothing that you got the experience; Failure doesn't mean you can't succeed failure shows that you still need some time; Failure doesn't mean you are going to be down that you want to smile.

  Smile to face everything around you.

  Failure is a dish a to swallow the bitter herbs but you have to eat it. When friends leave you when struggling to pursue dream repeatedly frustrated you know the man's bitter. You wander you lost even want to die but you still don't want to give up very unwilling. At the same time you will realize that failure is a bittersweet life in a dish of side dishes.

  That those who really big wisdom often from the lessons of failure. Ancient and modern Chinese and foreign most successful people have experienced failure valuable is their courage. Mark Twain business frustrated abandon ShangCongWen results. Because he had a smile in the face of failure.

  Balzac said: "the things in the world is never absolute the results vary from person to person suffering is a stepping stone for genius is a fortune for capable person is an unfathomable abyss for the weak." We are going to lessons in failure experience method think about the reason in this way we will change to mature to be successful.

  We can't just stay on the failure want to smile in the face of failure to greet a new challenge as napoleon said "the best way to avoid failure is determined to succeed next time."

  How to face failure? Smiling face failure!


  As the saying goes: "smile ten young". In fact the smile can not only make you young is a bridge of communication interpersonal relationship a dose of the medicine of resolving contradictions.

  Have you ever heard the story about the Japanese original one Mr. Ping?

  The original a flat this is a very ordinary ordinary insurance salesman he's average in appearance height is 158 cm but why he can become a household name in Japan the layman celebrity? Because he has something fine smile the study on the side carries a small mirror to practice and apply these smile to work only to the success and become a famous person.

  The original a flat in the work in life worked out the total 39 kind of smile smile and ourselves will also be the 39 kinds of practice is very natural. Sometimes smile can let a person feel warm sometimes a smile can let a person feel kind smiling can bring people power smiling can make fidget immediately quiet down smiling can let you automatically to listen to.

  It was his smile that make people happy to buy him sell insurance think he has to do nothing to sell insurance; It was his smile let the customer be no words don't talk with him no matter not to say a bosom friend.

  Indeed a smile can communicate a person's heart cut the distance between each other and even help you to success.

  Remember once to go to the hospital I sat in a chair waiting for a man to the nurse said: "you is how make of this? The doctor about my morning at 9 o 'clock you see all have already 9 PM." I thought that the nurse will a tooth for a tooth then two people will be epic behold the nurse but smiled and said to the man "Sir I'm awfully sorry but there are too many people I went in and help you see also hurry. Please wait a moment." After a while only to see the nurse said with a smile: "Sir to you please come in." I can't help but admire the nurse after a while the man out he found he had been smiling nurse cordially say: "just now I'm terribly sorry please forgive me." Nurse still smiled and said: it doesn't matter.

  Smiles sometimes to make an olive-branch.

  Every day you give someone a genuine smile people will also give you a smile.

  Smile can make others the baby concerns to you in a flash disappear; Smiling can let you rapport with others. A smile is to communicate each other the silent language of the mind. If so then my friend please generous please don't stingy your smile.

  Thank you all!













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