2019-12-19 11:30:02 53
travel by train乘火车出行
railway lines铁路线
high-speed rail高速铁路
gain great popularity广受欢迎
construction of railroad铁路建设
make extraordinary progress取得非凡进步
increase investment in增加对某事物的投资
cargo delivery货物运输
**lay a solid foundation for为某事物打下坚实的基础
Industrial modernization工业现代化
The railway system铁路系统
The line graph shows number of people travelling by train and total distance of railway lines between 2016 and 2018. It is clear that number of passengers travelling by rail soared from 1.443 billion to 2.007 billion. Meanwhile, distance of railway lines climbed rapidly from 124,000 km to 131,000 km.
根据已知信息,两个关键因素导致了这些变化。首先,众所周知,火车长久以来一直被视为安全、便利的交通工具之一。如此一来,高铁在近些年受到了中国人民的追捧。无疑,人们的出行体验会更加美好。其次,毫不夸张地说,今天人们对舒适且高效的交通运输有了越来越多的需求。因此,国家逐年增加在铁路建设上的投资。显然,这不仅提高了货物运输(cargo delivery)的效率,还为国家的工业现代化(industrial modernization)打下了坚实的基础。
The table compares which approach people would like to select to acquire information among three different generations in 2017. As can be clearly seen, most of post-70s obtained information from newspapers and magazines, accounting for 40%. In contrast, vast majority of post-80s heavily relied on TV media, representing 50%, while as much as 70% of post-90s preferred computers and mobile phones, taking up largest share.
According to available information, reasons for se differences can be summarized as follows. Firstly, it is universally acknowledged that, nowadays, mobile technology has takenvast steps. As a result, computers and mobile phones have gained great popularity among those born in 1990s. Undoubtedly, y can not only learn about outside world any time and any place, but y are able to share breaking news in ir social media. Secondly, it is true that TV screen, newspapers and magazines have long been viewed as reliable sources of information. In view of this, post-70s and 80s aspire to know current affairs from se media. Clearly, y highlight reality and reliability of information y acquired.
Overall, I personally think that each medium has its own pros and cons. While mobile technology brings us immense convenience, we should by no means overlook unique advantages that conventional media possess.
根据已知信息,导致这些区别的原因可以被总结如下。首先,众所周知,如今的移动互联网技术在近些年取得了飞速发展。如此一来,电脑和手机在年轻的九零后们之中受到极大追捧。无疑,他们不仅可以随时随地了解外部世界,还能将轰动新闻(breaking news)分享到自己的社交媒体。其次,的确,电视和报刊杂志长久以来被视为获得信息的可靠来源。因此,七零后和八零后们渴望通过电视和报纸了解时事新闻(current affairs)等信息。显然,他们更加重视信息的真实性和可靠性。