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第一节 谐音词,同缀词,同根词
谐音词是指发音相似,拼写不同,词意也完全不相关联的一类词语。考试中有些学生容易在这方面造成失误(尤其是听力测试中),主要是自己本身发音不准确或单词拼写记不牢。对策是平时加强基本功训练,并注意这类词语的归类记忆法。[例1] the rain was heavy and the land was flooded. a) consequently b) continuously c) constantly d) consistently[分析] 答案为a项。这类词为拼写相似,读音相似,外形相似的一组,常为谐音词。[例2] there were no tickets for friday’s performance. a) preferable b) considerable c) possible d) available [分析] 同缀词, 即指用派生法构成的一组词, 其前缀或后缀相同, 此四个选项中均有后缀-able(-ible)。答案为d项。
同缀词、同根词也是三级词汇考试中常见的考点之一。这类词汇的考试主要是测试学生对常见构词法的掌握和应用能力。学习掌握构词法是在短时间内迅速扩大词汇量的科学而行之有效的方法。大多数词根+词缀所构成的新词比较有规律,但也常有例外。因此,对于这一类词既要掌握其基本规律,又要留意特殊、例外的词。如果一概凭印象类推,就会造成失误。比如同根、同缀又同性但不同义的词就应特别注意。请看下列比较:1.considerable ,considerateconsiderable adj .相当大(多)的,可观的,重要的。在句中常作定语,修饰名词。considerate adj.体谅(贴)的,考虑周到的。在句中作定语或表语,修饰或说明人的品质。例如:【您正浏览的文章由www.diyifanwen.com(第一范 文网)整理,版权归原作者、原出处所有。】writing is a slow process,requiring considerable thought,time and effort.写作可是个慢功夫,需要反复思考,需要充分的时间,需要不懈的努力。we should be considerate of the comfort of old people.我们应当为老年人的舒适着想。2. continual, continuouscontinual adj.不断的,频繁的。指(中间有短暂间歇的)经常不断的,又有中断后重复开始,表“屡屡”之义,仅用于时间上。continuous adj.连续的,不断的,持续的。有绝对不可中断,不停止的含义。指无间断的事件,也可指不间断的空间、时间、电线、电波等。例如:she was tired of continual trips to grocery, school and office.老是跑食品店、学校和办公室使她感到厌倦。the continuous hot weather is oppressive.这持续的炎热天气使人难以忍受。3. economic, economicaleconomic adj.经济(上)的,经济学的。economical adj.节俭的,精打细算的;节省的。可用于指人。试比较:we bought a small house for economic reasons.由于经济原因,我们买了一幢小房子。(暗示买不起大房子)we bought a small house for economical reasons.我们为了节省钱而买了一幢小房子。(表示不愿多花费)由此可见,同一个词根能派生出词义差别很大,甚至毫无关联的同根同性异义词。对这种语言现象切不可忽视。否则,将犯望文生义、误用、滥用同根词的错误。
例示anti- 反;抗;阻;排斥 antibody(抗体) counter- 相反的;对应的;回报 counterclockwise(逆时针地); countermeasure(对策); counterattack(反击) dis- 否定,相反;除去 disregard(漠视), discard(扔弃), disburden(减轻…负担) en- 使… enlist(征募), endanger (使…遭到危险) ex- 先前的;向外的 ex-wife(前妻); external(外部的), extradite(引渡) fore- 预先,提前 foresight(先见,预见), forecast(预报)
im-, ir-
不, 非impatient(不耐烦的) in-, il- 不,非,无 illiterate(不识字的,文盲的 inter- …之间(的 interurban(城际的), interaction(相互作用) mid- 中间的,中途的 midpoint(中点), midstream(中流) mis- 错, 差, 坏 mispronounce(发音错误,误读), mistreat(虐待 non- 没有, 不 non-vehicle(非机动车) over- 过度;超过 oversleep((使)睡过头); overlook(俯瞰, 忽略) post- 过后的 postdoctoral(博士后的) pre- 预先的 preliminary(预备的) re- 再次,又;回头 revenge(报复), refund(退款) un- 不, 非, 没有 uninteresting(无聊的), unintended(不是存心的,非故意的) under- 低于;欠 underestimate(低估); underdeveloped(欠发达的)
后缀 意义、作用 举例 -en 构成动词 strengthen(加强, 强化), widen(加宽) -fy 构成动词 amplify(放大,扩大) -ize (-ise) 构成动词,表 具有…特性 humanize(使具有人性) -th 构成名词 length(长度), width(宽度) -ar, -er, -eer, -or 构成名词,表 …者,…人,…器,…机 burglar(夜贼),profiteer(奸商)panhandler(乞丐), actor(男演员) -ee 构成名词,表 …者,…人 standee(站客), absentee(缺席者) -ian 构成名词,表 …者,…人 physician(内科医生), comedian(喜剧演员) -age 构成名词,表集合;身份;费用;活动,动作等 mileage(里程);pupilage(学生时期);postage(邮资); breakage(破损) -hood 构成名词,表状态 maidenhood(少女时期) -ancy, -ency 构成名词,表状态,品质 efficiency(效率), constancy(恒久性) -ance, -ence 构成名词,表状态、条件等 performance(表现,表演), existence(存在 -ion, -ation 构成名词,表状态、条件等 fertilization(施肥),humanization(人类化) -ity, -ty 构成名词,表状态、条件等 locality(所在地),superiority(先进) -ment 构成名词,表状态、条件等 enhancement(加强) -ness 构成名词,表状态、条件等 noiselessness(无声) -dom 构成名词,表状态、性质等 wisdom(明智的行为),boredom(单调) -ship 构成名词,表状态、性质等 scholarship(奖学金), dictatorship(独裁) -ant, -ian 构成名词,表 …者,…人 anticipant(预期者,期盼者) , defendant(被告人) -ic(al) 构成形容词 cyclical (参cycle), scenic(参scene) -ous 构成形容词 advantageous, mountainous -ary, -ory 构成形容词,表 …的 legendary(传说中的), compulsory(强制性的) -able, -ible 构成形容词,表 可…的 edible(可食用的),omissible(可删除的) -like 构成形容词,表 象…的 catlike(象猫的,偷偷摸摸的) -ish 构成形容词,表 有…特性的 sheepish(懦弱的) -ive 构成形容词,表 有…特性的 talkative(健谈的) -ful 构成形容词,表具有…特性;或构成名词 resourceful(资源丰富的,足智多谋的); handful(一把,一小撮) -less 构成形容词,表缺少,没有… listless(倦怠的), restless(不安宁的) -ly 构成形容词,副词或名词 highly(高度地); yearly(每年的(地)); monthly(月刊) -al 构成形容词或名词 provincial(省的,乡土的),proposal(提议) -ist 构成形容词或名词 royalist(保皇主义者(的)), racialist(种族主义者) -y 构成形容词或名词 lengthy(冗长的), discovery(发现)
1.形似义异词顾名思义,这类词指的是词形相似但意思不同或类似的一组词。比如三级词汇表中常见的有: rise, arise, arouse, raise; assume ,assure, ensure, insure; context, content, contact, contrast, contract; extend, expand, expense; protest, protect; late, later, latter, latest; reserve, deserve, preserve; quite, quiet, quick; conservation , conversation, convenience; etc.做这类题主要是根据特定语境即上下文的逻辑需求来选择恰当的词语。例如:it is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and ___ knowledge.a. extensive b. expansive c. intensive d. expensive答案a. [解析] 句意;一位合格的老师需具有良好的行为举止和广泛的知识。这四个选项的词形很相似,但意思不同。a. extensive adj. 广泛的 ; b .expansive adj. 扩展的, c.intensive adj . 精细的;d. expensive adj. 昂贵的. 根据句意,只有选 a才合乎语意逻辑。 又如: don’t ___this news to the public until we give you the go-ahead.a) release b) relieve c) relate d) retain 答案 a[解析]这四个词为近形词。句意:在未征得我们同意之前,不要向公众发布这条消息。有时也可根据词缀,词根,或词性来判断。例如:visibility was poor owing to the thick fog, and our plane had to make a landing.a.forcing b.forcible c.forceful d.forced[解析] 答案 d .句意:由于浓雾遮注了视线,我们的飞机被迫降落。这四个选项词形很相似,都含有 force 但词尾不同。--ing 表示主动,--ible表示能够,--ful 表示充满,--ed表示被动。根据题意此题含有被动之意,故选d.
2.同义或近义词。同义或近义词主要指那些意思相近但又不完全等同的词。例如:alone, lone, lonely; allow ,permit , let, admit ; evident ,apparent, clear, obvious; chance, opportunity; doubt , suspect; laugh , smile; look ,gaze, stare, glance, glimpse; safe, secure; wage, salary, income, pay. 英语中几乎没有意思上完全相同的同义词。许多近义词都存在着内涵和用法上的区别,而许多考生常常忽略了这些,从而作出错误的选择。因此考生在学习中要多加注意近义词的差异。例如:free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as -------sickness.a. normal b. regular c. average d. ordinary 答案d. [解析] 句意:这个国家的公费医疗包括精神病和普通疾病。这四个选项的意思比较接近,都含有“普通的”的意思,但也有区别。a. normal adj. 正常的,一般的;b. regular adj. 规则的;c. average adj.普通的,平均的,通常指标准,情况普通或一般。d. ordinary adj. 普通的,一般的,常指人或事物不特殊。故选d。
第三节 动词短语
动词短语在三级考试中出现的频率很高,是考点中的重中之重。动词短语常有以下几种构成方法:1.动词+介词:take on ,take in ,take to, take after; look for, look after, look into;make for, make into; result from ,result in; hear about, hear from; pass through, fill in, depend on, etc.例如:in developing countries people are ___into overcrowded cities in great numbers. a. breaking b. filling c. pouring d. hurrying [解析] 答案c. 句意:在发展中国家,人们正大量涌向拥挤的城市。这四个选择均由不同的动词加上介词into组成。a.break into意为闯入,b.fill into意为填写,c.pour into意为涌入,d.hurry into意为匆忙,此题选c.
2.动词+副词:lay down,take off,come out ,sit down, stand up, break up, break down, look up, give up, call off, put off, set up, etc.例如:the sports meet,originally due to be held last friday, was finally ___because of the bad weather. a.set off b.broken off c.worn off d.called off [解析]答案d.句意:原定上周五举行的运动会最后由于天气不好而取消。这四个选择中的短语均由不同的动词加上off组成。a.set off 出发;b break off 中断;c worn off消失;d call off取消,故选d。
3.动词+副词+介词:come up with,do away with, keep up with, catch up with, live up to, put up with, (be)made up of , come out of, etc.例如:the destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could___ .a.stand up to b.make up for c.come up with d.put up with [解析]答案 b.句意:这些珠宝的毁坏对人类是一损失,再多的钱也无法弥补。这四个选项均由动词加上副词再加上介词组成。b.make up for意为弥补,故选之。
4.动词+名词+介词:make use of, pay attention to, take care of, make fun of, catch sight of, keep an eye on, etc.例如: i caught a ___of the taxi before it disappeared around the corner of the street. [page]a.vision b. glimpse c.look d.scene [解析]答案 b. 句意:我看了一眼出租车,在它消失在拐角处时。 这四个选项均与句中的动词构成动词加名词加介词的形式作谓语。b. glimpse 意为一瞥,看一眼,故选之。
第四节 词语搭配和习惯用法
词语搭配和习惯表达是一种固定的搭配或惯用形式,是人们在长期的语言实践中普遍习惯使用而既定成俗的表达方式。例如:it rained heavily. 雨下得很大。(解析)我们用 heavily 来修饰 rain ,而不用 largely或greatly. 又如: i used to smoke but i gave it up three years ago.a.seriously b.heavily c.badly d.severly[解析]答案b. 句意:我过去抽烟很厉害,但是三年前放弃了。这四个选项中a.seriously,c.badly和d.severly作副词都含有“历害,严重”的意思,但与smoke常见的搭配为heavily,而不是其它三个,故选b. 考生在平时要多注意一些习惯搭配,养成良好的语感,这样就能作出正确的选择。测试搭配即是在测试中保留搭配中的一部分填另一部分。英语中的词语搭配主要分成以下几种:1. 动词+介词。这是最常见的一种搭配形式,相同的动词可以与不同的介词搭配形成不同含义的固定短语,例如:动词stand和不同的介词搭配形成:stand by(支持),stand for(忍受,代表), stand over(监督)等。同样,相同的介词也可以与不同的动词形成不同意义的搭配,例如介词for的搭配形式:ask for (要求得到), call for(邀约), run for(竞选成为…)等。与考查动词短语的题目不同的是,动词短语题考查的是考生对选项中各个短语意义和用法的掌握,而搭配题是指在测试中保留动词填介词,或保留介词填动词。例1:when he realized the police had spotted him, the man the exit as quickly as possible.a) made off b) made for c) made out d) made up[答案]:b。[分析]:本题考查学生对动词短语的掌握情况。要求考生熟悉掌握由make构成的动词短语的意义和用法。选项中,make for意指 "朝…走去";make out意思是 "理解,(勉强)辨认出";make up "弥补,赔偿"。这些短语后可接宾语。make off意思是“离开,逃走”,是不及物的动词短语,后面不应接宾语。句意是:当他意识到警察盯上自己时,便立即朝出口处走去。从句意来看,应该选择b。例2:the soldier was of running away when the enemy attackeda) scolded b) charged c) accused d) punished[答案] c。[分析]:本题为近义词辨析题,旨在考查词语搭配。固定搭配accuse sb. of sth.意思是因某事指控某人或指控某人犯某事;各选项中的动词只有accuse与of搭配。scold 和punish都只能与for搭配,表示原因。scold sb. for sth.意思是因某事而责骂某人;punish sb. for sth. 指因某事而惩罚某人;charge多与with搭配,与accuse sb. of sth.意思相同。
2. 动词+名词。动词和名词的搭配是英语学习中数量最多,最难掌握的一类,中国学生容易受中文的影响,导致错误选择。例如:the government is trying to do something to better understanding between the two countries.a) raise b) promote c) heighten d) increase[答案]:b。[分析]:四个选项中,promote常与understanding搭配,意思是“促进了解”。全句译为:“政府正在努力采取措施以促进两国之间的进一步了解”。raise有“提高,增大”之意,heighten也有“增强,加强”之意,但是一般均不与understanding搭配。increase虽然可与understanding搭配,但不可与better同时使用。
3. 形容词+介词常见的形容词和介词的搭配有:( a ). be + adj. + aboutconcerned, crazy, curious, particular, worried, etc.例如:mrs. brown is very particular about what she eats.布朗太太对饮食非常讲究。
( b ). be + adj. + foranxious, available, eager, eligible(合格的), essential, famous, , grateful, greedy, hungry, qualified, reedy, remarkable, renowned (有名的), responsible, suitable, suited, thankful, thirsty, unfit, vital, well-known, watchful, etc.例如:it does not alter the fact that he was the man for the death of the little girl.a) accounting b) guilty c) responsible d) obliged [答案]:c。[译文]:他推脱不掉应对小女孩的死亡所承担的责任。[分析]:be responsible for对…负责任;account 与for搭配,意思为“ 解释”;guilty与of搭配,意思为“犯…罪”,与about搭配,意思为“对…感到内疚”;obliged与to搭配,意思为“对…感激”。( c ). be + adj. + atamazed, annoyed, astonished, bad, better, clever, delighted, dismayed, furious, good, incompetent, overjoyed, poor, quick, sick, shocked, skillful, struck, slow, surprised, terrible, etc.例如:she is still furious at what i have done.她仍然对我所做的事大发雷霆。
( d ). be + adj. + inabsorbed, abundant, accurate, active, caught up, confident, deceived, deficient (缺乏的), disappointed, dressed, engaged, employed, experienced, fortunate, generous, honest, high, interested, involved, lost, occupied, plentiful, proficient, prompt, rich, strong, successful, wanting(缺少的),weak, etc.[page]例如:she likes to get involved in everything and know all the details.她事事都爱管,而且喜欢打听得详详细细。
( e ). be + adj. + ofafraid, ashamed, aware, born, capable, confident, conscious, critical(吹毛求疵的), doubtful, envious, expressive, fearful, fond, frightened, full, hopeful, ignorant(不知道的,没注意的), independent, innocent(无辜的), jealous, proud, sensible(可觉察的), sure, symbolic, thoughtful(体贴的), uncertain, unconscious, etc.例如:i was ignorant of the fact that the boss could be so strict.我不知道老板居然那样严格。
( f ). be + adj. + toeager , anxious, used/ accustomed(习惯的), acceptable(适合的), advantageous, anterior, agreeable(令人愉快的), applicable(适用的), attached(爱慕的,爱惜的), beneficial, committed(承担义务的), comparable, contrary, convenient, devoted, disadvantageous, similar, equal, equivalent(等同的), essential, exposed, inclined, indifferent(漠然的), superior, inferior, junior, senior, prior, sensitive, liable(易于…的), opposed, opposite, parallel, peculiar(独特的), polite, preferable(更好的), related(有关的), resistant, etc.例如:physics is___ to the science which was called natural philosophy in history.a) alike b) equivalent c) likely d) uniform [答案]:b。[译文]:物理相当于在历史上被称为自然哲学的科学。[分析]:be equivalent to与…相等,与…相当;alike彼此相似的,相同的,不用于名词前,也不和介词搭配;likely可能的,适合的,多和不定式to搭配;uniform相同的,一致的,同一的,均一的,不和介词to 搭配,例如:the boxes are uniform in weight.这些箱子的重量都相同。
( g ). be + adj. + withacquainted, associate, bored, angry, busy, concerned, comparable, consistent, correspondent, inconsistent, delighted, content, discontented, fed up, familiar, free, friendly, generous, identical, impressed, overcome, pleased, satisfied, troubled, wrong, etc.例1:tony is very disappointed ___the results of the exam.a) with b) for c) toward d) on [答案]:a。[译文]:托尼对考试结果很失望。[分析]:be disappointed with对…感到失望(除with以外,后面还可跟介词in,at或about)例2:you should have been more patient___ that customer; i’m sure that selling him the watch was possibility.a) of b) with c) for d) at [答案]:b。 13[译文]:你但是要是对那位顾客更耐心些,我保证他就买这只表了。[分析]:be patient with somebody对某人有耐心;be patient of能忍受…
4.名词+介词常见的名词与介词的搭配有:( a ). n. + foradmiration, affection(感情), absence, appetite, blame(责备), care, contempt(轻视),cause, gift(天赋), desire(欲望), evidence, excuse(借口), fancy(迷恋), explanation, love, necessity, match(对手), need, passion( 激情), plan, protection, preparation, preference(偏爱), relief(救济), reputation, recovery, reason, responsibility, substitute(替代), solution, sympathy(同情), shelter, suggestion, selection, talent, taste, etc.例如:he has a preference for coffee rather than tea.他较喜欢咖啡而较不喜欢茶。
( b ). n. + inbelief(信念), hurry, confidence(自信), interest, participation(参与), lack, pleasure, pride, role(作用), delight, difficulty, error, skill, expression(表情), specialist, expert, trouble, faith(信仰), trust, improvement, etc.例如:patients will lose faith in the doctor who conceals the true condition.医生隐瞒病情,患者回失去对他的信任。
( c ). n. + onadvice, attack, authority(权威), book, comment(评论), control, dependency(从属), duty, expert, effort, emphasis, impression, independence, influence, information, lecture, mercy(怜悯), operation, opinion, outlook(观点), report, reflection(思考,批评), research, pressure, programme, question, stress(强调), study, suggestion, theory, view, etc.例如:she was lost in reflection on her future.她为自己的未来而陷入沉思之中。
( d ). n. + toaccess(进入,通路),approach(靠近), appeal(呼吁), assistance(帮助), approval, attribution(属性), adherence(坚持), admission(允许进入), admittance, alternation(选择), answer, danger, dedication(奉献), devotion ,exposure, entrance(入口),invitation, introduction, immunity(免除,免疫力), incentive(刺激,激励), hostility(敌意), key(答案,关键) limit, objection, opposition, point(要点), reference, response, solution, reflection(反省), relation, etc.[page]例1:a ___to this problem is expected to be found before long. a) result b) response c) settlement d) solution [答案]:d。[译文]:希望很快能找到解决这个问题的方法。[分析]:本题看似近义词辨析题,实际上考查名词和介词搭配。solution常与to搭配,表示“…(问题)的解决方法”;response也可与to搭配,但表示“对…的回答或反应”,与题意不符;result结果,settlement解决,这两个词均常与of搭配,例如:the settlement of a dispute纷争的解决。
例2:the doctor told penny that too much___ to the sun is bad for the skin. a) exposure b) extension c) exhibition d) expansion [答案]:a。[译文]:医生告诉帕尼过分曝晒对皮肤有害。[分析]:exposure to表示“曝露在…之下”,exposure to the sun即“曝晒”。
( f). n. + withagreement (一致),alliance (联盟),appointment (约会),combination , communication (通讯),company , concern , connection , (in) conversation , (in) cooperation (合作),(in)disagreement , friend , (in) harmony (协调),(fall in) love , interference (干涉),patience , talk ,trouble , etc.例如:he was accused of interference with the order of the conference.他因干扰大会秩序而遭指控。注意: 其中一些名词与介词的搭配,与名词相应的形容词搭配有关。如:aware of ? awareness of对…的知晓absent from ? absence from不在场angry at / about ?anger at / about对…生气anxious about / over?anxiety about / over对…焦虑certain of / about ?certainty of / about对…肯定curious about ?curiosity about对…好奇different from ?difference from与…的区别interested in ? interest in对…的兴趣obliged to ? obligation torely on ? reliance on对…的依靠;等等。
note:some parts selected from by tu yulan published in wuhan surveying and mapping university press.