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base metal, application, jis & astm standard, and normal thickness of galvanized steel sheet 锌镀层质量 zinc coating mass 表面处理 surface treatment 冷轧钢片 cold-rolled steel sheet/strip 热轧钢片 hot-rolled sheet/strip 电解冷轧钢片厚度公差 thickness tolerance of electrolytic cold-rolled sheet 热轧钢片厚度公差 thickness tolerance of hot-rolled sheet 冷轧或热轧钢片阔度公差 width tolerance of cold or hot-rolled sheet 长度公差 length tolerance 理论质量 theoretical mass 锌镀层质量(两个相同锌镀层厚度) mass calculation of coating (for equal coating)/mm 锌镀层质量(两个不同锌镀层厚度) mass calculation of coating (for differential coating)/mm 镀锡薄铁片(白铁皮/马口铁) (日工标准 jis g3303) 简介 general 镀锡薄铁片的构造 construction of electrolytic tinplate 镀锡薄钢片(白铁皮/马日铁)制造过程 production process of electrolytic tinplate 锡层质量 mass of tin coating (jis g3303-1987) 两面均等锡层 both side equally coated mass 两面不均等锡层 both side different thickness coated mass 级别、电镀方法、镀层质量及常用称号 grade, plating type, designation of coating mass & common coating mass 镀层质量标记 markings & designations of differential coatings 硬度 hardness 单相轧压镀锡薄铁片(白铁皮/马口铁) single-reduced tinplate 双相辗压镀锡薄钢片(马口铁/白铁皮) dual-reduction tinplate 钢的种类 type of steel 表面处理 surface finish 常用尺寸 commonly used size 电器用硅 [硅] 钢片 electrical steel sheet 简介 general 软磁材料 soft magnetic material 滞后回线 narrow hystersis 矫顽磁力 coercive force 硬磁材料 hard magnetic material 最大能量积 maximum energy product 硅含量对电器用的低碳钢片的最大好处 the advantage of using silicon low carbon steel 晶粒取向(grain-oriented)及非晶粒取向(non-oriented) grain oriented & non-oriented 电器用硅 [硅] 钢片的最终用途及规格 end usage and designations of electrical steel strip 电器用的硅 [硅] 钢片之分类 classification of silicon steel sheet for electrical use 电器用钢片的绝缘涂层 performance of surface insulation of electrical steel sheets 晶粒取向电器用硅钢片主要工业标准 international standard – grain-oriented electrical steel silicon steel sheet for electrical use 晶粒取向电器用硅钢片 grain-oriented electrical steel 晶粒取向,定取向芯钢片及高硼定取向芯钢片之磁力性能及夹层系数(日工标准及美材标准)
magnetic properties and lamination factor of si-orient-core& si-orient-core-hi b electrical steel strip (jis and aisi standard) 退火annealing 电器用钢片用家需自行应力退火原因 annealing of the electrical steel sheet 退火时注意事项 annealing precautionary 碳污染 prevent carbon contamination 热力应先从工件边缘透入 heat from the laminated stacks edges 提防过份氧化 no excessive oxidation 应力退火温度 stress –relieving annealing temperature 晶粒取向电器用硅 [硅] 钢片 – 高硼(hi-b)定取向芯钢片及定取向芯钢片之机械性能及夹层系数
mechanical properties and lamination factors of si-orient-core-hi-b and si-orient-core grain orient electrical steel sheets 晶粒取向电器用硅 [硅] 钢;片 – 高硼低硫(ls)定取向 钢片之磁力及电力性能
magnetic and electrical properties of si-orient-core-hi-b-ls 晶粒取向电器用硅 [硅] 钢片 – 高硼低硫(ls) 定取向钢片之机械性能及夹层系数
mechanical properties and lamination factors of si-orient-core-hi-b-ls 晶粒取向电器用硅(硅)钢片-高硼(hi-b)定取向 芯钢片,定取向芯钢片及高硼低硫(ls)定取向芯钢片之厚度及阔度公差
physical tolerance of si-orient-core-hi-b, si-orient-core, & si-core-hi-b-ls grain oriented electrical steel sheets 晶粒取向电器用硅(硅)钢片 – 高硼(hi-b)定取向 芯钢片,定取向芯钢片及高硼低硫(ls)定取向芯钢片之标准尺寸及包装
standard forms and size of si-orient-core-hi-b,si-core, & si-orient-core-hi-b-ls grain- oriented electrical steel sheets 绝缘表面 surface insulation 非晶粒取向电力用钢片的电力、磁力、机械性能 及夹层系数
lamination factors of electrical, magnetic & mechanical non-grain oriented electrical 电器及家电外壳用镀层冷辘 [低碳] 钢片 coated (low carbon) steel sheets for casing,electricals & home appliances 镀铝硅钢片 aluminized silicon alloy steel sheet 简介 general 镀铝硅合金钢片的特色 feature of aluminized silicon alloy steel sheet 用途 end usages 抗化学品能力 chemical resistance 镀铝(硅)钢片 – 日工标准(jis g3314) hot-aluminum-coated sheets and coils to jis g 3314 镀铝(硅)钢片 – 美材试标准(astm a-463-77)35.7 jis g3314镀热浸铝片的机械性能
mechanical properties of jis g 3314 hot-dip aluminum-coated sheets and coils 公差 size tolerance 镀铝(硅)钢片及其它种类钢片的抗腐蚀性能比较 comparsion of various resistance of aluminized steel & other kinds of steel 镀铝(硅)钢片生产流程 aluminum steel sheet, production flow chart 焊接能力 weldability 镀铝钢片的焊接状态(比较冷辘钢片) tips on welding of aluminized sheet in comparasion with cold rolled steel strip 钢板 steel plate 钢板用途分类及各国钢板的工业标准包括日工标准及美材试标准 type of steel plate & related jis, astm and other major industrial standards 钢板生产流程 production flow chart 钢板订货需知 ordering of steel plate 不锈钢 stainless steel 不锈钢的定义 definition of stainless steel 不锈钢之分类,耐腐蚀性及耐热性 classification, corrosion resistant & heat resistance of stainless steel 铁铬系不锈钢片 chrome stainless steel 马氏体不锈钢 martensite stainless steel 低碳马氏体不锈钢 low carbon martensite stainless steel 含铁体不锈钢 ferrite stainless steel 镍铬系不锈钢 nickel chrome stainless steel 释出硬化不锈钢 precipitation hardening stainless steel 铁锰铝不锈钢 fe / mn / al / stainless steel 不锈钢的磁性 magnetic property & stainless steel 不锈钢箔、卷片、片及板之厚度分类 classification of foil, strip, sheet & plate by thickness 表面保护胶纸 surface protection film 不锈钢片材常用代号 designation of sus steel special use stainless 表面处理 surface finish 薄卷片及薄片(0.3至2.9mm厚之片)机械性能 mechanical properties of thin stainless steel(thickness from 0.3mm to 2.9mm) – strip/sheet 不锈钢片机械性能(301, 304, 631, csp) mechanical properties of spring use stainless steel 不锈钢 – 种类,工业标准,化学成份,特点及 主要用途
stainless steel – type, industrial standard, chemical composition, characteristic & end usage of the most commonly used stainless steel
不锈钢薄片用途例 end usage of thinner gauge 不锈钢片、板用途例 examples of end usages of strip, sheet & plate 不锈钢应力退火卷片常用规格名词图解 general specification of tension annealed stainless steel strips 耐热不锈钢 heat-resistance stainless steel 镍铬系耐热不锈钢特性、化学成份、及操作温度 heat-resistance stainless steel 铬系耐热钢 chrome heat resistance steel 镍铬耐热钢 ni - cr heat resistance steel 超耐热钢 special heat resistance steel 抗热超级合金 heat resistance super alloy 耐热不锈钢比重表 specific gravity of heat – resistance steel plates and sheets stainless steel 不锈钢材及耐热钢材标准对照表 stainless and heat-resisting steels 发条片 power spring strip 发条的分类及材料 power spring strip classification and materials 上链发条 wind-up spring 倒后擦发条 pull back power spring 圆面("卜竹")发条 convex spring strip 拉尺发条 measure tape 魔术手环 magic tape 魔术手环尺寸图drawing of magic tap 定型发条 constant torque spring 定型发条及上炼发条的驱动力 spring force of constant torque spring and wing-up spring 定型发条的形状及翻动过程 shape and spring back of constant torque spring 定型发条驱动力公式及代号 the formula and symbol of constant torque spring 边缘处理 edge finish 硬度 hardness 高碳钢化学成份及用途 high carbon tool steel, chemical composition and usage 每公斤发条的长度简易公式 the length of 1 kg of spring steel strip sk-5 & aisi-301 每公斤长的重量/公斤(阔100-200公厘) weight per one meter long (kg) (width 100-200mm) sk-5 & aisi-301 每公斤之长度(阔100-200公厘) length per one kg (width 100-200mm) sk-5 & aisi-301 每公尺长的重量/公斤(阔2.0-10公厘) weight per one meter long (kg) (width 2.0-10mm) sk-5 & aisi-301 每公斤之长度(阔2.0-10公厘) length per one kg (width 2.0-10mm) 高碳钢片 high carbon steel strip 分类 classification 用组织结构分类 classification according to grain structure 用含碳量分类 – 即低碳钢、中碳钢及高碳钢 classification according to carbon contains