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certificate 凭证 certificate authority 凭证授权 certificate authority (ca) 凭证管理中心 certificate management services 凭证管理服务 certificate manager 凭证管理员 certificate of authenticity 真品凭证 certificate properties 凭证内容 certificate revocation list 证书撤销清单 certificate revocation list (crl) 凭证废止清册 certification 凭证 certification authority disclosure record 核证机关披露纪录 certification authority [ca] 核证机关 certification practice statement 核证作业准则 certificr, tape 磁带检验机 certified tape 合格磁带 certify 认证 cga 彩色图形接口 cgi 通用网关接口 chad 屑 chadded 有屑带 chadless tape 无屑带 chai 茶 chain 链 chain additions program 链式增加程序 chain links 环链 chain maintenance program 链式维护程序 chain of link processes 链接处理炼 chain of processes 处理炼 chain printer 链型印字机 chain printing principle 链式印字原理 chain reaction 链式反应 chain scarch 炼型查寻 chain, binary 二进链 chaincode 炼码 chained file 炼档 chained list 炼式串行 chained record 链式记录 chaining 炼锁 chaining overflow 溢流链锁 chaining search 炼式查寻 chaining, command 命令链锁 chaining, data 数据链锁 challenge handshake authentication protocol 查问式握手验证协定 change 变更 change case 大小写转换 change dump 可变倾印 change file 变动档 change icon 变更图示 change international options 变更国别设定 change port 变更连接埠 change record 变更记录 change region options 变更区域设定 change scheme 变更方案 change script 变更脚本 change setting 变更设定值 change sign 变更记号 change tape 更换带 change the position of window 变更窗口的位置 change the size of window 变更窗口的大小 change to 变更为 change, step 步进变更 change-over system 转 换 系 统 changes, pending 未定变更 channel 声道 channel adapter 通道配接器 channel address word(caw) 信道地址字组 channel analog 模拟通道 channel attached 附接通道 channel band ranges 通道频带范围 channel bandwidth 通道频宽 channel bank 道排 channel busy tone 通道忙音 channel capacity 通 道 容 量 channel command 通道命令 channel command word(ccw) 通道命令字 channel controller(cc) 信道控制单元(装置) channel definition format 频道定义格式 (cdf) channel i/o 输出入通道 channel overloa4 通信超载 channel program 信道程序 channel program translation 信道程序翻译 channel queue 通道队列 channel reliability 通道可靠度 channel scheduler 信道定序程序 channel service unit(csu) 信道服务单位 channel set 信道集合 channel statns routine(bsy) 信道状态例程 channel status word(csw) 通道状态字 channel switching 通道交换 channel synchronizer 通道同步器 channel time-derived 时间导出通道 channel(ch)(chnl) 通道 channel, broad-band 广带通道 channel, class-d d类通道 channel, class-e e类通道 channel, data 数据信道 channel, dedicated 专用通道 channel, dma 直接记忆存取信道 channel, duplex 双工通道 channel, four-wire 四线通道 channel, half-duplex 半双工通道 channel, information 信息信道 channel, information(transfer) 信息(转移)信道 channel, input 输入通道 channel, input/output 输出入通道 channel, narrow-bant 狭带通道 channel, output 输出通道 channel, selector 波道转换开关 channel, semiconductor 半导体通道 channel, simplex 单工通道 channel, voice-band 音频带通道 channel, waiting queue 等待队列信道 channel, wideband common carriei 宽带共享载波通道 channel-attached station 附接通道站 channel-select setup time, minimum 最低选道就序时间 channel-select signal 选道信号 channel-select time 选道时间 channel-to-channel adapter(ctca) 信道至信道配接器 channel-to-channel connection 信道至信道连接 channelize 通道化 channelized e1 通道式 e1,作用于 2.048 mbps 的存取连结 channelized t1 通道式 t1,作用于1.544 mbps 的存取连结 channels, paper tape 纸带通道 channels, rcad/write 读写通道 channels, tape, punched-paper 打孔纸带磁带信道 channels, videodisc 影像磁盘信道 chaotic signals 浑沌型讯号 chapter 章 char 字符 charactci tape 字符带 character 字符 character addressing 字符寻址 character adjustment 字符调整 character arrangement 字符布置 character assembly 字符组合 character average information content 字符平均信息内容 character blink 字符闪耀 character boundary 字符边界 character cell 字符格 character check 核对字符 character checking inadmissible 不容许的字符核对 character class 字符类别 character code 字符码 character code, forbidden 禁制字符码 character coded 写码字符 character constant 字符常数 character crowding 字符拥挤 character data 字符数据 character data entity 字符数据实体 character density 字符密度 character device control 字符装置控制 character device names 磁盘驱动器的字母代号 character disassembly 字符分解 character display devic 字符显示器装置 character edge 字符边缘 character element 字符组件 character emitter 字符发射器 character entity set 字符实体集 character error rate 字符误差率 character expression 字符表式 character fili 字符填充 character format memory 字符格式记忆器 character generatoi 字符产生器 character graphics 字符图形 character index 字符索引 character information rate 字符信息率 character key 字符链 character literal 字符常值 character manipulation 字符人工处理 character mean entropy 字符平均熵 character mean information content 字符平均信息内容 character misregistration 字符定位不当 character modifiel 字符修饰号 character number 字符号码 character offset 字符位移 character oricnted 字符导向 character outline 字符输廓 character position 字符部位 character printer(cp) 字符打印机 character reader 字 符 阅 读 器 character recognition 字符辨识 character reference 字符参引 character relation 字符关系 character repertoire 字符库 character row 字符列 character set 字符集 character sets, multiple 多字符集 character sizt 字符大小 character skew 字符歪斜 character spacing reference line 字符空格参考线 character string 字符串 character stroke 字符笔划;字符字迹 character style 字符式态 character subset 字符子集(合) character table 字元素 character transfer rate 字符转移率 character(char)(chr) 字符 character, additional 增添字符 character, alphameric 文数字元 character, backspace 退格字符 character, binary-coded 二进码字符 character, blank 空位字符 character, blockignore 段略字符 character, code 码字符 character, coded extension 延码字符 character, command 命令字符 character, end-of-message 讯息结束字符 character, erase 抹去字符 character, error 误差字符 character, escape 逸出字符 character, font-change 字型变更字符 character, forbidden 禁制字符 character, form-feed 表格馈入字符 character, formal 格式字符 character, highlighting 辉亮部分的字符 character, ignore block 略段字符 character, illegal 非法字符 character, impropei 不当字符 character, layout 规列字符 character, least significant 最低有效字符character, locking shift 锁定位移字符 character, machine readable 机器可读字符 character, most significant 最高(有)效字符 character, new-lint 新列字符 character, nonlocking shift 非锁定侈位字符 character, pad 衬填字符 character, paper throw 纸张空移字符 character, polling 询讯字符 character, print control 印字控制字符 character, protection 保护字符 character, redundant 冗余字符 character, separating 分离字符 character, shift-out(so) 移出字符 character, special 特别字符 character, start of heading 起头字符 character, start of text 起文字元 character, sync 同步字符 character, tabulation 排表字符 character, transmission control 传输控制字符 character-at-a-time printer 字符印字机 character-deletion character 消除字符用字符 character-mode application 文字模式应用程序 character-oriented word-processing programs 字符导向文字处理程序 character/block transmission 字符/方块传输 characteristic 幂数;特性 characteristic distortion 特征失真 characteristic impedance 特性阻抗 characteristic overflow 指数超限 characteristic underflow 指数不足 characters per second (cps) 每秒字符数 characters, idle 闲字符 charactor 字符 charactor set 字集 charge coupl edevice(ccd) 电荷耦合装置 charge coupled device memories 电荷耦合装置记忆器 charged coupled device 电荷耦合组件 charged coupled device scanner (ccd scanner) ccd扫描仪 charles babbage 查理巴贝 chart 图表 chart logic 逻辑图 chart sheet 图表工作表 chart system 系统图 chart, detail 细部图 chart, grid 栅图 chart, plugboard 插头板图 chart, process 过程图 chart, run 作业流程图 chart, spacing 间隔图 chart, veitch 维奇图 chassis 底架 chassis assembly 底架组合 chatter 振动 check 核取 check bit 核对位 check box 复选框 check care 检验卡(片) check character 核对字符 check code 核对码 check constraint 检查条件约束 check diagnostic 诊断 check digit 核对数位 check digit, parity 配类核对数位 check digit, sum 和核对数位 check in 签入 check indicator instruction 核对指示器指令 check key 校正键 check light 核对指示灯 check mail 检查信件 check mark 核取标记 check number 核对数目 check out 签出 check problem 核对问题 check range 核对范围 check register 校验寄存器 check reset key 核对重置键 check sign indicator 核对正负号指示(器) check solution 核对解法 check sum 核对和 check symbol 核对符号 check total 核对总计 check trunk 核对干线 check user name 检查使用者名称 check word 核对字 check(chk) 核对 check, accounting 会计核对 check, antomatic 自动核对 check, arithmetic 算术核对 check, built-ii 内建检核 check, built-in automatic 内建自动核对 check, casting-out-nines 除九余数核对 check, consistency 一致核对 check, dump 倾印核对 check, duplication 重复核对 check, echo 返回核对 check, even parity 偶配类核对 check, even-odd 奇偶核对 check, false code 错码核对 check, forbidden-combination 禁用组合核对 check, forbidden-digit 禁用数位核对 check, hardware 硬品核对 check, limit 限制核对 check, longitudinal 纵向核对 check, machine 机器核对 check, marginal 边际核对 check, mathematical 数学核对 check, modulo-n 满n核对 check, page 页核对 check, prograin 核对程序 check, programmed 程序规划核对 check, read-back 回读核对 check, read/write 读写核对 check, redundancy 冗余核对 check, redundant 冗余核对 check, residue 余数核对 check, routine 例程核对 check, selection 选择核对 check, sequence 顺序核对 check, static 静态校验 check, summation 总和核对 check, system 系统核对 check, transfer 转移核对 check, transmission longitudinal 传输纵向核对 check, transverse 横向核对 check, twin 双核对 check, unused command 未用命令核对 check, validity 确实性核对 checkbox 复选框 checkbus 核对总线 checked 已选取 checked device 核取的装置 checkerboard across 横向棋盘式 checkerboard down 纵向棋盘式 checkindicator 核对指示(器) checking and recovery error 错误核对及复原 checking file program address 检查档案程序地址 checking loop 核对回路 checking program 核对程序 checking, automatic 自动核对 checking, module 模块测试 checking, redundant 冗余核对 checkout 检验 checkout local version 签出本机版本 checkout routine 检验例程 checkout systems, automatic 自动检验系统 checkout, program 程序检验 checkpoint and restart procedure 核对点及再起始程序 checkpoint data set 核对点资料集 checkpoint dump 核对点倾印 checkpoint records 核对点记录 checkpoint restart 核对点再起始 checkpoint routine 核对点例程 checkpoint sorting 核对点分类 checkpoint(chkpt) 核对点 checks, photocell light 光电管光核对 checksum 总和检查码 chemically deposited printed circuit 化学沉淀印刷电路 chen da technology co,. ltd 正达科技玻璃股份有限公司 cherokee 却洛奇文 chief executive officer (ceo) 执行长 chief finance officer (cfo) 财务长 chief information officer (cio) 信息长 chief knowledge officer (cko) 知识长 chief operating officer (coo) 营运长 chief strategy officer (cso) 策略长 chief technology officer (cto) 技术长 chief web officer (cwo) 网络长 child code 子程序码 child control 子控件 child forms 子窗体 child process 子处理序 child segment 子段 child window 子窗口 child's 儿童片 children 子系 chinese (china) 中文 (中国) chinese (hong kong s. a. r.) (中国香港)chinese (macao s. a. r.) (中国澳门)chinese (prc) 中文 (中国大陆) chinese (simplified) 中文 (简体) chinese (singapore) 中文 (新加坡) chinese (taiwan) 中文 (台湾) chinese (traditional) 中文 (繁体) chinese binary 中文二进(位) chinese chractor 中文字 chinese hand writing input device 中文手写输入器 chinese internal code specification 汉字内码扩展规范