
Lesson 9 教学设计

2021-10-18 22:34:36 30

(教师用书)Advance preparationSee required materials listed below for the game in today's student book section.GREETINGGive the standard greeting to welcome students to English clASs.Announce that today the clASs is beginning a new unit of English lessons. Does anybody remember what this unit is about Remind students that you discussed this at the end of the last lesson.TEACHING TIPSpeak EnglishRemember, use as much English as possible in your clASses. When you observe your students, you have an excellent opportunity to talk to them individually in English to make requests and offer friendly assistance. LET'S LOOK AT OUR BOOKSGive the standard command for students to take out their student books.Draw the students' attention to the illustrations in the student book. Can anyone in the clASs guess what today's lesson will be about 1. At the marketGive the "listen" command. The audiotape will repeat each sentence. Ask the students to listen the first time, then say the words along with the audiotape the second time. The audiotape says:[Li Ming] Look! We can buy food at this market.Look! We can buy food at this market.[Jenny] I see fish and meat.I see fish and meat.[Li Ming] I see vegetables and fruit.I see vegetables and fruit.[Danny] I see lots of good food.I see lots of good food.Take a moment to check the students' comprehension. See if everyone can identify the mastery vocabulary words in the illustrations: fish, chicken, meat, fruit, vegetables and food.2. What do you like Give the "listen" command. The audiotape will repeat each sentence. Ask the students to listen the first time, then say the words along with the audiotape the second time, The audiotape says:[Li Ming] What do you like What do you like [Jenny] I like fruit. I like fruit.[Danny] I like chicken. I like chicken.Have a brief clASs discussion. Does everyone understand the meaning of like Translate if necessary. Ask a few students "What do you like " and encourage them to respond with a favorite food, using the structure "I like ."3. Let's play a game.Game: Draw and MatchRequired materialslarge vocabulary cards with words that students have learned so far, emphasizing the new words in this level Note: In this game, the students draw pictures to illustrate words and phrases.Choose vocabulary words that will be relatively easy to draw.This game is an effective way of reinforcing comprehension and reviewing vocabulary.You will need a stopwatch, watch or clock with a second hand, and a large container such as a box or hat. Spread out the vocabulary cards, face up, on top of a large desk or table.

Divide the cLaSS into two teams. Appoint someone as the timekeeper. Team 1 chooses two players who go to the front of the room. Player 1 takes a vocabulary card from the container. This player must try to show, through drawing only, what it says on this vocabulary card. He or she may not say anything, point to anything, write anything, or provide a clue in any way other than drawing.By looking at the drawing, Player 2 tries to match the word or phrase with a vocabulary card. Team 2 must remain quiet!The timekeeper keeps track Of how many seconds it takes Team 1 to match the word or phrase. The maximum time allowed is two minutes. When the team correctly matches the word or phrase, record this time on the blackboard. If a team uses up the maximum time without matching correctly, their recorded time will be two minutes.Next Team 2 sends two players to the front of the cLaSSroom to choose a vocabulary card and draw and match the word or phrase. Play as many rounds of this game as you wish. The team with the least total time at the end of the game wins.LET'S DO SOME EXERCISESGive the standard command for students to take out their activity books.PAGE 18. Listen and circle. Circle the words. The students listen to the audiotape and repeat the words, then circle the words on the right that match the words in the column on the left. They also complete the sentence at the bottom of the page.

Say "Listen" and point to your ears, then play the audiotape. The audiotape says:Like. Like.Fish. Fish.Meat. Meat.Fruit. Fruit.Chicken. Chicken.Food. Food.I like food! I like food!PAGE 19. Talk and write. Write the words. In any order that you wish, say one of the four words aloud to the cLaSS. The students repeat that word aloud, then find the picture that matches the word and write the word in the spaces provided. Repeat the activity with the remaining three words.CLASS CLOSINGToday have students number off using some of the vocabulary from today's lesson: chicken, fish, meat, fruit, vegetables, food and like.Have the cLaSS say the words together, then have individual students number off by saying the words in order, from chicken to like, until all students have a word. Remind the students to remember their words.When today's cLaSS is over, have the students stand by word. You might say "Now all students with the word fruit may stand," and then move on to another word until all students are standing. Wave and say "Good-bye" to signal that cLaSS is over.

《从日本角度反思抗日战争》一课的教 学 设 计



新课程与课堂教学教学设计的含义 运用现代学习与教学心理学、传播学、教学媒体论、系统论、控制论等相关的理论与技术,来分析教学中的问题与需求,确立目标,建立解决问题的步骤,选择相应的教学策略和教学媒体


  教学内容:课本第55页。教学目的:          1.使学生认识直角、锐角、钝角、平角和周角,并能正确地区分。          2.使学生能记住上面各种角的度数(或范围大小)


《女娲造人》教学设计(15篇)  作为一名默默奉献的教育工作者,总归要编写教学设计,教学设计是根据课程标准的要求和教学对象的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定合适的教学方案的设想和计划


小学四年级语文《谁说没有规则》精品教学设计模板  作为一名优秀的教育工作者,往往需要进行教学设计编写工作,教学设计是一个系统设计并实现学习目标的过程,它遵循学习效果最优的原则吗


福建省厦门市人民小学 躲闪游戏(水平一体育)执教:福建省厦门市人民小学 卢心刚评析:厦门教育学院 张嘉斌[课的设计]:学校体育是终身体育的基础,运动兴趣和习惯是促进学生自主学习和终身坚持锻炼的前提


教学设计:水变成水蒸气(常州市西新桥小学  唐丽君)教学目标:1、指导学生认识水的蒸发是一种常见的自然现象,通过实验了解加快蒸发的条件。2、指导学生观察、分析、描述水在蒸发时所发生的现象


部编版四年级上册《盘古开天地》的教学设计  作为一位优秀的人民教师,常常要写一份优秀的教学设计,借助教学设计可以提高教学质量,收到预期的教学效果。我们该怎么去写教学设计呢




安庆集贤路小学:时仲凡1、         教学内容义务版第八册67~68页《除法的意义》2、          教材简析除法是与乘法相反的运算。在前三年半学生经过大量的整数除法计算和应用题的练习


 佛山市禅城区汾江中学    老成芬       一、教学思想与理念       《认识垃圾邮件》这一教学设计是一个基于互联网环境下,采用webquest(基于网络的研究性学习)模式


  秀城区教文体局教研室  俞加平秀城区新丰镇中心小学  陈铁锋赞科夫曾说过:“教学法一旦触及学生的情绪和意志领域,触及学生的精神需要,便能发挥其高度有效的作用


【内容摘要】 教学是促进学生学习的活动,要使这种活动有效,教学必须有计划性,关于教学的系统计划就是教学设计。因此本章的内容对正在从事或将来从事教育教学工作的学习者来说具有重要意义


部编版《盘古开天地》的教学设计模板  作为一名专为他人授业解惑的人民教师,总归要编写教学设计,教学设计把教学各要素看成一个系统,分析教学问题和需求,确立解决的程序纲要,使教学效果最优化


语文《灯光》的教学设计范文  作为一位不辞辛劳的人民教师,很有必要精心设计一份教学设计,借助教学设计可以更好地组织教学活动。写教学设计需要注意哪些格式呢




思有以下几点: 一、 以学生实际情况为出发,认真备好每一堂课   备课是教师课前所作的准备工作。教学是一种有目的、有计划的活动,它既有明确的意义又有大致的范围


活动目标:    为了配合学校开展的爱国主义教育系列活动,进行热爱祖国勤奋学习主题班会。通过爱国主义教育,使学生真正树立起为振兴祖国,提高中华民族素质,奋发读书的远大理想,从而提高学习积极性




活动目标:1. 培养幼儿参加音乐活动的兴趣。2. 引导幼儿安静的倾听,能根据歌词内容配上相应的动作,增强节奏感。3. 学唱歌曲,加深对交通安全的认识。活动准备:录音机、磁带、交通标志、玩具汽车

高三《第四章 第一节 细胞的生物膜系统》教学反思

一、成功之处 1.设计思想的实现   根据教学设计思想,我在教学过程中注意与高中必修教材相关内容的衔接,使学生明确知识的整体性。如:以动物细胞为例复习和回顾高二相关知识点


        这个星期把Unit3结束了,觉得上地有点急,第三单元的单词应该说是在比较难的,对三年级的小学生来说要把pineapple, watermelon能记住是很难的


一、教材分析    《奇异的绘画天地》是小学信息技术教材第一册(下)第二课中的内容,教学对象是小学四年级学生。它是教材关于画图知识铺垫的延伸,并且贯穿着以后整个的画图知识教学


  钞,读音:[chāo]  部首: 钅  部外笔画: 4  总笔画: 9  五笔86: qitt  五笔98: qitt  仓颉: opfh  笔顺编号: 311152343  四角号码: 8972


  地理组 万思泉  各位领导,老师:  大家好!  今天我讲的课题是《北方地区和南方地区》.  首先,我对本节教材进行一下分析:  一