

2022-04-11 00:18:38 3

Teaching target 1. Establish an unpreponged consciousness and know how to prevent fires from themselves 2. Know which is a fire hazard and fire prevention measures in life. 3. I know how to protect my self-help and escape in the fire. And seek help: 4. Understand the types and role of fire facilities, and understand the fire protection facilities. 5. Consolidate the knowledge and skills of drawing plan. Teaching process

The first class teaching preparation teachers investigates, understanding the teaching activities and process of self-rescue when fire occurrence.指导。 Teacher asked students: "What truth do you know through the study of the class? 2. Read the discussion. Read the textbook on page 76. Teacher Question:" What is the anti-happening? Learn about the fire and fire prevention, what is the harvest? "Let the students read the three pictures of the Texture - F5 on page 76, then ask questions:" Do you have such a situation in your home? What are the fires in your home or elsewhere? Hidden dangers? "" What should you pay special attention to fire prevention? "" When should I pay special attention to fire protection? "" What measures can enhance people's fire prevention and improve people's fire prevention capacity? 3. The whole class discussion: "I found a fire on a day. What should be done as primary school students?" Let students speak freely. Teachers should especially emphasize here. Children's child is a valuable wealth of the country. The minors can't save fires are national legal provisions, because minors have not enough capacity. Once the life and health of minors is hurt, it is the most ambient loss of the country and society. In front of the disaster, it is necessary to be protected. How to call: Read textbooks: Teachers should emphasize students, call 119 phones are free, but they can't call when they are casually. How to save: One of the key points of this topic is to let students learn some of the right, practical self-protection escape methods. Teachers are prepared to be solid. Teachers demonstrate or allow students to simulate: What are the self-protection and escape methods? "Teachers should pay special attention to each method proposed by students, and must give clear feedback, let the learning know whether it is correct, is it feasible. 4 Group activities. Develop fire facilities survey programs, emphasize the next class to draw fire protection facilities, due to investigation, it should be carefully observed, it is best to draw a sketch: homework group activities, investigate school

Second class teaching preparation 1. Check and supervise the completion of the survey activity 2. Learn more about the role of various fire protection facilities. Teaching activities and process 1. Import inspection of students' self-help methods in last lesson. 2. The team is prepared; allowing the group to draw the results of their own ligation into a plan view. Teachers should remind students to make full use of the map knowledge and skills that have been learned, draw a plan for a certain place? For residential areas or other places in the survey, the drawing will be more difficult, so you can just paint local. 3. Group Suit: Various groups should introduce the survey place, time, and place of fire, placement. 4. Inquiry: What role is found during the investigation process? What is the role? What is the main characteristics? Where do they place? How do we treat these fire hydrants?为什么? Teachers can prompt students, there are many people. The hidden dangers of the fire, such as the corridor, the balcony full of sundries, blocking channels, etc., let the students refer to the investigation report made by the textbooks in the textbook, and make recommendations to parents or neighbors. 5. Teacher's summary. Teachers are sure students' investigations, summarize and emphasize the points discussed in exploration activities. Home homework observes the situation of safety hazards in the environment near their home, and discusses the clogbs open with parents.


第二课 学习看《中国交通图》

第二课 学习看《中国交通图》教学目标:  1、认知目标:知道《中国交通图》上铁路、公路、航空线、航海线的一般表示方法;初步了解如何利用交通图选择交通线。  2、技能目标:学会看《中国交通图 》


教学设计  课时安排:2课时  活动目的:  1、了解家庭的构成,知道每个人的成长都离不开家庭。  2、了解父母的工作、兴趣爱好等,体会父母对社会和家庭的贡献。  3、知道家庭成员之间的关系


第四单元  我爱我的家单元目标:1、爱自己的家,能与家长沟通,体验家庭生活的欢乐。2、初步认识自己作为家庭成员的责任,爱亲敬长,做自己力所能及的事。3、掌握自我服务的劳动技能






品德与社会教案泰山版六年制五年级上册五年级品德与社会上册全册备课(教学计划)教材分析编写特点    从总体上看,本册继承了前四册即5、6、7、8册教材的整体风格。例如,课主题引领次主题



《生病了 有办法》


(鄂教版)二年级品德与生活 和诚实交朋友教案

(鄂教版)二年级品德与生活下册教案第三单元 我进步,我快乐9.和诚实交朋友教学目标:1. 通过本次活动,让学生初步懂得分辨是非,懂得做人要诚实的道理。2. 能与老师、同学沟通


集体备课工作表年级  一年级   学科 思品   第 四 单元  第  一 节                     备课人集体备课时间10、18内容第一课  快乐的冬天共案个案教案第四单元    








一、 我发现生活中的科学大家谈教学目标1. 让学生了解历史上一些重大科学发现和发明的经过;2. 让学生懂得生活中处处有科学;3. 教学生初步学会发现科学并运用科学


《画画我们的校园》教学内容    义务教育课程标准实验教科书品德与社会三年级上册第四单元第一课《画画我们的学校》学情分析    从学生的社会生活环境看,入学已经两年




思有以下几点: 一、 以学生实际情况为出发,认真备好每一堂课   备课是教师课前所作的准备工作。教学是一种有目的、有计划的活动,它既有明确的意义又有大致的范围


活动目标:    为了配合学校开展的爱国主义教育系列活动,进行热爱祖国勤奋学习主题班会。通过爱国主义教育,使学生真正树立起为振兴祖国,提高中华民族素质,奋发读书的远大理想,从而提高学习积极性




活动目标:1. 培养幼儿参加音乐活动的兴趣。2. 引导幼儿安静的倾听,能根据歌词内容配上相应的动作,增强节奏感。3. 学唱歌曲,加深对交通安全的认识。活动准备:录音机、磁带、交通标志、玩具汽车

高三《第四章 第一节 细胞的生物膜系统》教学反思

一、成功之处 1.设计思想的实现   根据教学设计思想,我在教学过程中注意与高中必修教材相关内容的衔接,使学生明确知识的整体性。如:以动物细胞为例复习和回顾高二相关知识点


        这个星期把Unit3结束了,觉得上地有点急,第三单元的单词应该说是在比较难的,对三年级的小学生来说要把pineapple, watermelon能记住是很难的


一、教材分析    《奇异的绘画天地》是小学信息技术教材第一册(下)第二课中的内容,教学对象是小学四年级学生。它是教材关于画图知识铺垫的延伸,并且贯穿着以后整个的画图知识教学


  钞,读音:[chāo]  部首: 钅  部外笔画: 4  总笔画: 9  五笔86: qitt  五笔98: qitt  仓颉: opfh  笔顺编号: 311152343  四角号码: 8972


  地理组 万思泉  各位领导,老师:  大家好!  今天我讲的课题是《北方地区和南方地区》.  首先,我对本节教材进行一下分析:  一