

2021-08-11 17:00:39 35

  Because of Prime minister Wen commending,and our English teacher order us to read at least one English book,I buy an English book named.

  The book was writed by the greatest Roman emperor who named Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus.He was known not only for his work the Meditations,but also his military exploits.And the book was written in the midst of the Parthian war when he used his time directing the army.

  This book is a personal philosophy thinking record. The most important thought was about life ethics.what’s more ,it was also about some natural philosophy.

  The book had twelve Volumes.Every volume has its own idea.

  Book one was written for character. He thought that the character was an inheritance.It means that the young always do what the elder told them.As a result,the good character will be carried forward ,the bad character is also lke this.

  Book two was written about fate and nature. He emphasized its that we should never do the things which goning against our nature .And we will lost nothing except today.

  Book three was written about what we shall run after. We should enjoy what we think best instead of the power or any other things. Because the longest reputation is short in the time river.

  Book four was written about using the right way to do meaningful things.Never does a thing without a direct aim. Meanwhile we should use our wisdom to do the justice.

  Book five was written about reapecting the truth.We should respect the truth . And we should never do anythings impossible.It is a good charactor to find a truth.However if we have know the truth and still doubt it,it must be crasy.

  Book six was written about young and old.We should keep our soul young,and it is a humiliation if somebody is young with a old soul.

  Books seven was written about pursue again. Now the emperor think that so many great men have been forgotten though they used to have a large reputation.And all kinds of pain will be overcome,so we will not be defeated by the pain.At last ,he said everyone should run after the best things which we thought.

  Books eight was written about nature again.People can not live by himself,he must communication with others. We all live for somebody else.And doing what you want to do is the happiest thing in the world. It is not a right but a duty to make everything in his appointed place.

  Book nine was written about making friends. He said that we shall talk with the men who have the same idea.And do not talk with the ignorant person,it is just a waste of time.The last but not the least,we should keep nature and never hold out on the lure of any other things.

  Book ten was written about cause and effect.No matter what we do,it will work on ourself again.

  We should never regret for what we ever do,instead, reflecting upon ourselves.What control you is concealed in your internal belief.

  Book eleven was written about Philanthropic.He begin to think what he has done for the world.And he find people always contempt others while they flattery others.

  Book twelve was written about Despair and death.Everyone respect the men who still struggling even in a hopeless situation and not give up training themselves.At last in the book,he told us death is not such a frighten thing.

  I have learned much after reading the book.Thanks for my teacher’s homework,and the greatest emperor’s book.





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