

2021-10-19 15:59:36 35

雅思阅读必备词汇表abandon  aboriginal  absenteeism  absorb  absorption  abuse  academic  accelerate  access  accessible  accessory  accidentally  acclaim  accommodation  accompany  accomplish  account for  accumulation  accurate  achieve  acquire  acumen  adapt  adaptable  adjust  administration  adolescence  adopt  advanced  adverse  advocate  affordable  agenda  aggressive  aid  ailment  alert  alienation  allergy  alternative  amateur  amaze  ambiguity  ambiguous  ambitious  amorphous  amphibian  amphibious  an array of   analogous  analogy  analysis  ancient  anecdotal  anesthetic  annual  anthropology  anticipate  apparatus  appliance  applicant  apply  appreciable  appreciate  approach  appropriate  approximately  aptitude  archaeological  architecture  archive  argue  argument  arise  artificial  arrangement  article  as opposed to   aspect  aspiration  assemble  assert  assessment  assistant  associate  association  assume  assumption  asthma  astound  asymmetry  attempt  attribute  audacious  authorize  authority  automatically  available  avalanche  average  aviator  avoid  awareness  badge  ban  banal  barrier  be around  be short of   beforehand  bereavement  bespectacled  beverage  biased  bilateral  biological  bizarre  blast  blooming  blur  boast of  boom  botanical  bother  boulder  bounce  boundary  branch  breeding  breeze  budget  bulge  bulk  bully  burgeon  buzzword  calculation  caliber  campaign  cancer  candidate  captive  capture  carbon biocide  carbon monoxide  car-pooling  carry out  casualty  catastrophic  catch on  categorize  category  cater for  cease  ceiling  celebrate  censure  ceramic  chamber  characteristics  chart  chase  check  chic  chink  chronic  cigarette  circulation  circumstance  cite  clarify  clerks  clinic  clue  cluster  cohesion  collaboration  colleague  combination  combine  combust  come across  come to life  comment  commentator  commercial  commission  commitment  commodity  communication  comparison  complain  complementary  complexity  complicated  complication  component  composite  compound  comprehend  compromising  concave  concentrate on   concentration  conception  concern  concrete  conduct  conference  confirm  conform to  confrontation  confuse  congestion  conscious  consequence  conservative  considerable  consistency  consortium  constitute  constrain  construct  consult  consultant  contain  contaminate  contemporary  continent  contingency  contrary  contribute to  contrive  controversial  convenient  conventional  conversely  convert  convey  cooperative  corpus  cortex  cosset  counterpart  court  crack  criminal  criterion  crop up on  crowd  crucial  crust  cubic  cubic meter  currency  current  curse  dealing  debris  decade  deceive  decipher  decompression  decoration  dedicate  deductive  defect  define  definition  deflect  delay  deliberate  deliver  delta  democratic  demographic  demolish  demonstrate  dental  depict  depletion  deposit  depression  deprive  describe  desirable  destiny  destroy  destruction  detach  detect  detective  detract  detrimental  devastating  deviant  devise  devote  dialect  digest  digital  dilute  dimension  diminish  direction  discard  discharge  discontent  discourage  discrimination  disfigure  disguise  disharmony  dismantle  disorder  displace  displease  dispose  disposition  disproportionately  disrupt  dissemination  distinguishing  distort  disturb  diverse  divide  divine  division  dock  document  dogged   domestic  dominate  dormant  double helix  dramatically  dredge  drill  dubious  dump  dusty  dynamic  earthquake  ecological  ecosystem  edge  edible  efficiency  eject  electrode  eliminate  emerge  eminent  emission  emphasize  employ  embankment  encounter  endanger  endeavor  endorse  enforcement  enfranchise  engage  engine  enhance  enlighten  enormously  ensure  enterprise  entertainment  entrance  envelope  envisage  equality  equation  equip  equivalent  erosion  eruption  escalate  essence  essential  establish  estate  estimate  ethical  ethnography  evacuate  eventually  evolution  exacerbate  exalt  excavate  exceed  exceptional  exchange  exclusively  execute  exhale  exhaust  exhibition  exhortation  expansion  expectation  exploitation  explosive  exposure  extensive  external  extinction  extol  extol  extra  extraordinary  extravagance  extremely  facade  facilitate  facility  faithfully  fallow  fascinating  fasten  fatal  fatigue  fauna  favorable  feasible  feature  federation  fertilizer  fiber  fierce  fitness  flame  flank  flaw  flexible  flora  fluctuate  fluently  focal  focus  forecast  formality  formula  formulate  forthcoming  fossil fuel  foundation  fragment  frame  freedom  freight  frequency  friction  frown upon  fume  function  fundamental  gather  gauge  gear  gender  generate  genetic  genuine  geometric  giant  gigantic  give rise to  glacial  globe  gradually  granite  gravity  guesswork  guideline  gullibly  habitat  hail  halt  handicap  haphazard  hardship  harridan  hazard  hazardous  hectare  hence  hierarchy  historically  hollow  holy grail  horizontally  hospitality  hostile  household  humble  humidity  humorous  hypothesis  idealistic  identical  identify  identity  ideology  ignition  ignore  illustration  imbalance  immediate  impact  impair  implement  impossibly  impressive  in accordance with  inadvertently  incendiary  incentive  incorporate  independent  indicate  indigenous  individual  inevitable  infection  inferior  infrastructure  influential  ingenuity  ingredient  inhabitant  inhalation  inheritance  initial  initiative  inland  innate  innovative  insatiable  inspiration  instantaneous  institution  insulate  insurance  integral  integrate  intelligence  intensity  interfere  interior  internal  interpretation  intrigue  introduce  intuitively  invade  invaluable  invert  investigation  involve  irony  irreversible  irritable  irritation  isolate  issue  journal  journey  junction  jungle  justify  kidney  laboratory  laborious  lag behind  landfill  landscape  latitude  laudable  launch  layer  layout  leadership  legal  legislation  leisure  linguistic  literally  locate  location  logical  longitudinal  lung  mechanism  mainstream  maintain  majority  manifestation  manipulate  manual  manufacture  marble  marginally  marine  masquerading  mass  massive  masterpiece  maximum  medical  mediocre  melt  memorandum  mental  mention  mentor  merchandise  methodology  metropolis  militant  military  minimize  misconception  misjudge  mislead  mission  modification  modify  molecule  monitor  monster  mood  moreover  mud  muggy  multiple  mundane  murky  muscle  mystery  myth  naive  negative  negligible  negotiate  nevertheless  nicotine  notion  notorious  nuance  nuclear  numerous  obvious  occasionally  occupation  occupy  occur  offset  offshore  off-spring  opponent  opportunity  optimism  option  organism  origin  outcome  outgoing  output  outstanding  outward  overall  overload  overseas  overstaff  overwhelm  oxygen  pace  pacify  package  panel  paradox  parallel  paralysis  parking lot  particle  particular  particulate  passive  pasture  patent  pattern  peak  penalty  pension  per se  percentage  perception  performance  periodically  periscope  permanent  permeate  perpetual  perplex  perquisite  persistent  personality  personnel  pesticide  pessimistic  petty  phenomena  physical  piece together  plate  play a role  plum  poisonous  poll  population  process  pore over  portion  portray  positive  possess  potential  practical  precaution  predominate  prejudiced  premise  preserve  preside  press  presume  prevailing  prevalent  preventable  previous  previously  primary  primate  primitive  principle  prior  private  procedure  proceed  process  productivity  proficient  profit  progress  prohibitively  prolong  prominence  promotion  proof-reading  propel  proportion  propose  proposition  prospect  protest  prototype  provenance  provide  provided  pseudo  psychological  publication  puff  purchase  purple  purpose  put forward  put together  qualification  qualified  quantative  quarter  quest  radiation  radical  ramification  random  range  react  realm  recession  reclaim  recognition  recognize  recommend  recruit  recycle  redundancy  refer to  reference  refresher courses  refute  regime  region  reinforce  release  relevant  relic  relief  rely on  remarkable  remedy  reminder  remnant  render  renewed  repetitive  replica  represent  representative  reproduce  repute  request  resemble  residence  respect(n)  respiration  respondent  restrict  retain  retard  reverse  revolutionize  rigorously  riot  ritual  rotary  rotate  safeguard  sample  sanitary  sanitation  savvy  scenario  scene  skeptical  scheme  scope  scores of  scrap  secondary  section  sector  secure  segment  sensitive  separate  sequence  settlement  settler  shatter  shortlist  shrink  shuffle  sick leave  sift out  significant  simplicity  simplify  skew  sliding  slogan  slope  slum  smoulder  soak  solution  sophiscated  sort  spark  spasmodic  spectacular  speculate on  speech  sponge  spouse  squabble  squeeze  stablise  stack  staff  stage  stagnant  standarise  staple  startling  stash  statistical  status  status quo  steam  stick  stiff  stimulation  stimuli  stir  strategy  streamline  strikingly  strip  stuff  style  submerge  subordinate  subscribe  subsidiary  subsidy  substance  substantial  substitute  subterranean  suburb  succumb  suffer  sufficient  suffragette  sulphuric acid  summit  superior  supervise  surface  surge  survey  survival  sustain  swage  swell  sympathetic  systematic  talented  tangible  technique  temporary  tend to  tent  terminal  terminate  terminology  terrace  terrain  tertiary  textile  thatch  thereby  timber  tinder  tough  toxicity  toxin  trace  track  trade  traditional  traditionally  tramp  tranquility  transfer  transform  transit  translate  trauma  tremendous  trend  trial  tribal  tribe  tricky  trigger  trinket  trivial  tropical  tutor  twist  typical  ubiquitous  ultimately  unarguably  uncomfortable  underestimate  undetected  undoubtedly  unexpectedly  uniform  unique  universal  unload  unsettling  unusual  unwittingly  upset  up-to-date  urban  vanish  variable  vegetable  vehicle  vent  venture  verbal  verify  vernacular  versatile  versus  viability  viable  vibrant  vice versa  vicinity  victim  violence  virtual  virtually  virtue  virus  vital  vocabulary  volcano  volume  voluntary  vote  vulnerable  warehouse  warrant  waterfront  waterproof  wave  wean off  widespread  widespread  withdraw  workforce  wrangle


aa high degree of light-fastness 高质量不褪色a highly compressed special particle board 具有高密度的特殊粒子层的镶板abra


boot post 进行开机自检时(post)硬件检查的水平:设置为“minimal”(默认设置)则开机自检仅在bios升级,内存模块更改或前一次开机自检未完成的情况下才进行检查


 tablet/ 5tablit/n.碑,匾;药片  tackle/ 5takl/vt.解决,对付 n.用具  tactics/ 5taktiks/n.策略;战术

英语六级高频词汇 F-G

 fabricate/ 5fabrikeit/vt.制作,组合;捏造  facet/ 5fasit/n. 小平面,方面,刻面  facilitate/ fe5siliteit/vt.使容易


81. on board 到船上, 在船上, 上火车或飞机 82. boast of (or about) 吹嘘 83. out of breath 喘不过气来 84


词干-arm-(武器) 同族词 拉丁语动词armo,armavi,armatum,armare(武器)的词干是-arm-。来源于这一词干的同族词有:         a [arm


abnormal  a.不正常的;变态的abolish  vt.废除,取消abrupt a. 突然的,意外的,唐突的 absurd  a.不合理的,荒唐的abundance  n.丰富


in front of 在…前面,面对be full of 充满in full 充足,十足to the full 完全地;彻底地in full swing 活跃


注:n 名词 v 动词 adj形容词 adv 副词 prep介词 conj连词 phr.短语 num数词1645 cd player  phr


c cabbage n cake n call v & n camel n camera n camp n & v can modal v canada n cancel v candle n can


naive  a. 天真的,纯真的,朴素的narrative  n. 叙述,故事 a. 叙述的,叙事的nasty  a.龌龊的;淫猥的necessitate  vt. 迫使,使成为必需


粮油食品类 cereals,oils and foodstuffs化工产品类 chemical products土畜产类 native produce &animal by-products机械产品类


lac 紫草茸laciniate kalanchoe herb 鸡爪三七ladybell root 南沙参lalang grass rhizome 白茅根lance asiabell root 羊乳l


i - introductions opening the meetingwelcoming and introducing participantsstating the principal obj


弹簧用碳钢片 carbonsteel strip for spring use 冷轧状态 cold rolled strip 回火状态 annealed strip 淬火及回火状态 hardened


作者:杨辰坚持不懈可以在一座很高的山上征服世界。 (狄更斯) - 铭文 进入初中并迎接第一次体检。 男孩们必须做引体向导,考试中有一条很长的路要走。两个男孩站在我面前,老师发出命令






雕刻时间长,生长长;成长就像雕刻一样,雕刻就像成长,不受时间的磨砺,不能成为极端的作品或能为社会做贡献的人;想成为一个有用的人,经过时间评估还不够,还需要一个人自己的奋斗。 我的斗争始于她


蓝天镶嵌着烈焰般的阳光,周围有眩光。在窗外,太阳照在他们身上,留下一个瘦弱的身影。汗水浸湿了衣服,疲惫的身体蜷缩在小麻布上,静静地享受着梦想。 推开窗户,一束平直的阳光迎接我,给我一点温暖




请记住,当你还是个孩子的时候,即使是现在,你周围的成年人也会向你灌输如下:“如果你学习不好,长大后,你就会像扫街一样好(工人) ,快递员。“这样的想法? 这是一种职业歧视


孝顺是爱,爱是孝道。莎士比亚说,母爱比爱更好。在你出生的那一刻,你的母亲将把你所有的爱都放在你身上并为你感到骄傲。当她头上有一些银发时,你是否意识到你在成长?你应该孝顺吗? 事实上




把握风景的特点,全面细致的观察 观察和感受风景需要发射各种感官,描绘状态,颜色,声音和气味这一幕,将给人留下深刻的印象,让人们阅读并留在那里。 [例子]风已经开始,相对平静的雾海已经卷起