支招小作文| 9月28日雅思小作文真题高分范文!
2019-10-25 07:58:48 76
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The chart and graph below show the number of tourists from three countries to Australia and two of tourists between 1995 and 2005.
组合图的特点:1. 一个图复杂,另一个简单;2. 两个都简单。
The bar chart gives information about the numbersof traveling intravelers to Australiafrom three countries in two separate years, which are 1995 and 2005, andthe lines are the illustrations of two different of tourists to Australiafrom 1995 to 2005.
The number of tourists in 1995 is most notable in Japan,Itis notable that the numberof asJapanese tourists (140,000) ’s number arewas the largest amountthat is roughlyequal to that of UK tourists and that of US tourists another two groupscombined. ←语法现象:主语从句:名词性从句被形式主语it指代。It is also noteworthy that very few Japanese went toAustraliawas significantly less popular among Japanese tourists in 2005 than in 1995, ←写作法:描述数据所体现出来的事实。 since the number of Japanese touristswhich was in 2005,was merely 10,000 ←语法现象:用状语从句引出数字. The number of British visiting Australia rose to 140,000,so were that of American.The year of 2005witnessed that both American tourists and UK tourists were 140,000. ←语法现象:宾语从句:时间为主语 + witness + 在那个时间点上发生的事件。
The number of tourists in Australia whichstayingat hotel was volatile during the years. After asurge to the all-time peakhigh (180,000), it sl暴涨 暴跌至原始水平附近的一个点(140,000)。另外,就个背包客秒的数量而言,1995年至2005年之间的年 10年 见证了 a 快速 飙升增长至120,000,尽管有增长,但背包客的人数始终少于酒店客人。 值得注意的是,在过去10年中,背包客人数一直排名倒数。