2021-10-19 20:02:31 11
词干-cad-,-cid-(落下,死亡) 同族词 拉丁语动词cado,cecidi,casum,cadere(死亡,落下)的词干是-cad-,-cid-。来源于这一词干的英语同族词有 a [ac-(ad-的变体)方向+cid落下->向下落->祸从天降]意外,事故,偶然,起伏,褶皱,地形不平 accident .n.以外的事,偶然的事,事故,褶皱,地形不平 accidental .a.偶然的,意外的,附属的 accidentalism .n.偶然;偶然论 accidentalist .n.偶然论者 accidentally .adv.偶然地 accidented .a.表面起伏不平的 u<`da e accident-prone .a.(应粗枝大叶而)特别易出事故的 accident-proneness .n. 特别易出事故 accident-proof .a.可防止意外的 c [cad-落下,死亡]尸体;暂时;脱落 cadaver .n.尸体(尤其指解剖用的尸体) cadaveric .a.尸体的 cadaverine .n. 尸碱;尸胺 cadaverize .vt.使像尸体 cadaverous .a.尸体的,憔悴的 cade .a.离开其母而由人工喂养的(小动物) cadence .n.调子;声音的抑扬顿挫;节奏 cadent .a.有节奏的;降落的 caducity .n.暂时性的;衰老,早落(性),脱落(性) caduceus .a.短促的(树叶)早落的,脱落的 d[de-完全+cad,cid落下->完全落下]颓废(意志消沉),堕落,脱藩,蜕膜 decadence .n.颓废;堕落;衰微 decadency .n.颓废;堕落;衰微 decadent .a.颓废的;.n.颓废者;颓废派艺术家(作家) decadently .adv.颓废地 deciduas .n.蜕膜 decidual .a.蜕膜的 deciduate .a.有蜕膜的 deciduous .a.(在成熟期或一定季节)脱落的;每年落叶的;暂时的 i indeciduate .a.无蜕膜的;不落叶的 indeciduous .a.常绿的,不落叶的;(叶)不脱落的 [in-加强+cid落下]加速落下突然发生,事件;偶然 incidence .n.发生;影响;影响的方式;影响范围;影响程度;入射;关联 incident .n.附带事件,小事件,事情;(小说,剧本中的)插曲,枝节;.a.易发生的;附属的 incidental .a.附带的;伴随的;偶然碰到的;非主要的;易发生的;.n.附带事件;杂项;杂费 incidentally .adv.附带地;偶然地;顺便说及地 例句 1. an accident happened and many lives were lost. to学英语网 2. columbus discovered america by accident. 3. he discovered an accidental error in his composition. 4. they met accidentally at new york in annual convention. 5. he has a cadence of 120 steps per minute. 6. the decadence of morals is bad for a nation. 7. the incidence of a tax is limited if only a few people must pay the tax. 8. he has a cadaverous countenance. 9. frontier incidents have been common on the border. 10. on our trip we spent 100 yuan for meals, room and railroad fare, and 15 yuan for incidentals, such as candy, magazines’ stamps, etc.11. in this discussion grave questions were incidentally brought up.