2023-03-29 20:50:59 13
June 14th:
Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Duanwu Festival. It is one of the most important traditional festivals in China, and it falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year. The festival commemorates the death of Qu Yuan, a famous poet and minister during the Warring States period.
To celebrate the festival, my family and I woke up early this morning and went to the park to watch the dragon boat race. The race is the highlight of the festival, and it involves teams of rowers paddling in colorful dragon boats. It was a thrilling sight to see the boats gliding through the water, with the sound of drums and cheers from the spectators.
After the race, we went home and had zongzi, a traditional food made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves. It was delicious! We also hung up some calamus and artemisia leaves around the house to ward off evil spirits and promote good health.
Overall, it was a fun and festive day. I'm grateful for this opportunity to experience Chinese culture and traditions.
June 14th:
Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, and my school organized a special activity to celebrate it. We had a traditional Chinese painting workshop, where we learned how to paint dragons and other mythical creatures using brushes and ink.
It was a challenging but rewarding experience. I've never done Chinese painting before, and I was surprised by how different it is from what I'm used to. The brushes are much softer and more flexible, and the ink is thicker and darker. It took some practice to get the hang of it, but I enjoyed the process of creating something beautiful with my own hands.
After the workshop, we had a small dragon boat race in the school swimming pool. It was a fun way to experience the excitement of the festival, even though we couldn't do it on a real river. The boats were made of cardboard and duct tape, but we decorated them with colorful paper and ribbons to make them look more festive.
Overall, it was a great day. I learned a lot about Chinese culture and had fun with my classmates. I'm grateful to my school for organizing this activity and giving us a chance to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival together.
June 14th:
Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, and I'm feeling a bit homesick. I'm studying abroad this year, and I'm far away from my family and friends in China. This is my first time spending the festival alone, and it's not easy.
To cheer myself up, I decided to make some zongzi. I found a recipe online and went to the supermarket to buy the ingredients. It wasn't easy to find bamboo leaves, but I managed to get some after asking around.
As I prepared the zongzi, I thought about my family and how we used to make them together. We would spend hours in the kitchen, laughing and joking and sharing stories. It was always one of my favorite memories of the festival.
Even though I'm far away from home, I'm still grateful for this opportunity to learn and grow. Studying abroad has taught me so much about the world and myself, and it's a valuable experience that I'll always treasure. And who knows, maybe I'll make some new friends and celebrate the festival with them next year.