2023-03-23 23:50:59 11
Today, I went to visit a chrysanthemum exhibition with my classmates. The exhibition was held in a big garden, and there were countless chrysanthemums of different colors and shapes. I was amazed by the beauty of these flowers!
We walked around and saw various types of chrysanthemums, including ball-shaped, daisy-like, and pom-pom shaped ones. There were also some specially arranged chrysanthemums in the shape of animals and even people. One in particular looked like a giant peacock with its tail fully spread out. It was truly breathtaking.
At the end of the exhibition, we took some pictures and bought some chrysanthemum seeds to grow at home. I'm so excited to see them bloom and enjoy their beauty again.
Overall, it was a lovely experience, and I learned so much about chrysanthemums. I can't wait to visit more flower exhibitions in the future!