
Recognize some of the recognition of 5 lessons

2022-04-13 23:30:18 6

After the course, the chart of the post-class class broke the original dull teaching model, with the form of a story, using a multimedia teaching means to create a literary situation. According to the actual situation of students, it is based on the teaching materials, combined with the actual life of students, expand literacy, and realizes language teaching. Toolborn and humanities unity. Retrospecting the teaching of this class, I feel that the success of the success is: 1. Work hard to create equally harmonious, easily and happy teaching atmosphere, want to let students like literacy, first so that students have no psychological burden, dare to speak freely in the classroom, so I am The teacher's shelf is put into the student, and the students will accept knowledge in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. 2, the form of things run through, successfully created teaching situations, inspired students' interest in learning and low-grade children. Color, sound, action, etc. will cause their attention to produce a strong interest. They are susceptible to emotional factors during learning. Simple literacy will make them boring, if they meet the psychology of children in teaching, create a novel and interesting literacy scenarios, so that students' literacy is interested, so that they will enter the literacy teaching as soon as possible, I don't know I don't feel the fun of learning literacy. According to the teaching content of this lesson, I have compiled a policeman and police dog caught the story of killing the criminals of wild animals. Creating learning situations through multimedia courseware, and penetrating the education of wild animals, guiding students and small animals to be friends, Eight Chinese characters run through the situation in the situation, let the students feel the fun of learning. 3, the textbook is relying, expanding the scope of literacy, supplement extracurricular knowledge. 4. Pay attention to the cultivation of students 'oral communication skills, 5. Use multimedia means to stimulate students' enthusiasm.

Reflections after class: The child is lively. Color, sound, action, etc. will cause their attention to produce a strong interest. They are susceptible to emotional factors during learning. Simple literacy will make them boring, if they meet the psychology of children in teaching, create a novel and interesting literacy scenarios, so that students' literacy is interested, so that they will enter the literacy teaching as soon as possible, I don't know I don't feel the fun of learning literacy. I recognize the Chinese characters to let the students know the words, I also find some kinds of real things to help students know the words, the students are very interesting, and the efficiency of literacy is also high, such as: package, melon, fruit, food, etc. , Students not only know Chinese characters, but also meet some plants, food. I think the teaching of knowledge is not only for teaching, but also teaches teaches in the process of teaching knowledge, and continuously expands the knowledge of students. In this lesson teaching, I first use the student to look at the picture, the same table discussion, and then encourage students to ask questions, and finally we help solve it, I think that exercise students learn to ask questions, help to cultivate students' thinking ability, Gradually develop analysis problems and solve problems.

Reflections after class: 1. Reflecting the new curriculum standards on the requirements of literacy teaching requirements, literacy teaching should use the language factors familiar with children as the main material, and make full use of children's life experience, pay attention to teaching to literacy methods, using multiple The visual intuitive teaching means creates a rich teaching situation. ";" Concerns about students literacy, excitation literacy ". This case uses the language factors in the student life, showing a var古代武器,让学生说这些话是随机的,让他们能够刺激热情,进一步达到“喜欢学习汉字,有活跃的识字”的目标“.2,创造各种教学情况,注意巩固统一。孩子的一个特征知道汉字是要记住的快速,遗忘,这种情况要注意让学生在中学,确认,通过书籍的顶部,猜你,猜你,你猜你可以给我更多的示范并达到整合的目的。3.倡导独立合作的学习方法,通过集团合作分类,初步逻辑思维培训,反映了“新课程”的合作精神。

思考:教学时间10月22日在每日聆听过程中,许多教师发现许多教师很少考虑对学生的原始素养基金会,他们认为:只要书中规定的单词应该被教导和严重教学。这个想法实际上不是一个很大的错误,但是可能会忽略一点点,即当前孩子在进入学校之前知道许多汉字。对于许多人来说,汉字不再是奇怪的事情。这要求教师脱离孩子主体的实际情况,大胆放手,并向学生提供主动。为此,我正在积极倡导识字教学中的自主,合作和探索学习方法,并在扫盲教学中得到了良好的效果。着名教育屋Macalen表示:“教师应该尽可能多地尊重学生,尽可能地尊重教学民主,选择学习方法,学习方法。”这也是中国课程标准倡导的一个想法。因此,我充分信识到,当教学生时,让学生谈论今天学习的这些汉字朋友,这就是你已经遇到过的东西或者是什么样的好方法要记住一个朋友。当学生说,我鼓励他说“你能做到!”然后问他:“你怎么知道的?”学生会说:“我会用拼音知道,我在广告招牌中。我知道,我知道家里的拼音卡......”。这时,我会及时赞美“你很棒,继续工作!” “你真的,我是大脑!”当学生听到热情的鼓励时,他有一个成功的乐趣,提升了独立素养的信心。因此,自主权的欲望更为激烈,而且自主阅读的热情课外阅读更加高,他们主动从家里,街道,商场等学习,以增加自己的识字。





我说课的内容是苏教版一年级下册第三单元中的最后一篇课文《小松树和大松树》。   本课的教学目标是:1能正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文;2理解课文内容,懂得做人要谦虚谨慎,不可盲目自满,看不起别人


姓名张xx科目语文 时间 XX.9课题一株紫丁香 集体备课成果(核心设计)教学内容教材分析    《一株紫丁香》是一首活泼清新的小诗,诗词朴素易懂,字里行间吐露出孩子们对老师的浓浓问候与感激


1 作者:佚名    转贴自:转载    点击数:70 不朽的失眠——感受《枫桥夜泊》 作者:陈红彦 来源:山月       他落榜了!一千二百年前。榜纸那么大那么长,然而,就是没有他的名字。啊




一、复习导入  生回顾上节课的学习内容。(师简单点评)二、潜心会文感受人物形象  老汉是怎样的一个人,请同学们认真默读课文的7——22自然段,勾画相关句子,在文章空白处写出自己的感受


第一课时  课前:背诵古诗。  一、导入  欣赏《弯弯的月儿小小的船》mtv  今天就让我们带着这美好的心情上课。  二、揭题  过渡:天黑了,什么升起了?  学生回答:月亮升起来了


教材依据   《问银河》是苏教版小学语文第四册的课文。设计思想这是一首文学性很强的儿童诗,小朋友易读易懂,而且极富想象力.全诗四个小节都以提问题的方式,抒发小作者看银河的感想.第一节问银河的名字


教学目标:⒈能借助旁批读懂故事,并用不同的语气读好不同角色的话。⒉能正确评价三个小动物,明白不同的做法会有不同的结果的道理。教学重点:   能正确评价三个小动物,明白不同的做法会有不同的结果的道理




【学习目标】  1、能围绕“浓浓的乡情”这个主题讲清楚自己的活动安排。  2、能与同学进行商讨,培养学生的自主合作的参与意识。  3、通过这个活动,培养学生对家乡的热爱之情


花魂藏情,读中悟情——执教《梅花魂》教学构想忠州二小岳兴梅   有过经历就能沉淀情感,傲霜独放的梅花就是陈慧瑛女士寄托的思念,珍藏的记忆。今天


作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:67  本课讲述的是“我”(一个中国人、还没搞清楚是谁),在国外弄碎了别人的反光镜后所发生的一系列的事情。说明了“人与人之间


作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:1                         “真想变成大大的荷叶”片断对比教学                        (一)     


教学要求  1.学习“加一加”的识字方法,归纳带提手旁字的共同特点,培养识字能力,激发识字兴趣。  2.积累音近字、形近字,学习部首查字法。  3.口语交际“我的想法”




思有以下几点: 一、 以学生实际情况为出发,认真备好每一堂课   备课是教师课前所作的准备工作。教学是一种有目的、有计划的活动,它既有明确的意义又有大致的范围


活动目标:    为了配合学校开展的爱国主义教育系列活动,进行热爱祖国勤奋学习主题班会。通过爱国主义教育,使学生真正树立起为振兴祖国,提高中华民族素质,奋发读书的远大理想,从而提高学习积极性




活动目标:1. 培养幼儿参加音乐活动的兴趣。2. 引导幼儿安静的倾听,能根据歌词内容配上相应的动作,增强节奏感。3. 学唱歌曲,加深对交通安全的认识。活动准备:录音机、磁带、交通标志、玩具汽车

高三《第四章 第一节 细胞的生物膜系统》教学反思

一、成功之处 1.设计思想的实现   根据教学设计思想,我在教学过程中注意与高中必修教材相关内容的衔接,使学生明确知识的整体性。如:以动物细胞为例复习和回顾高二相关知识点


        这个星期把Unit3结束了,觉得上地有点急,第三单元的单词应该说是在比较难的,对三年级的小学生来说要把pineapple, watermelon能记住是很难的


一、教材分析    《奇异的绘画天地》是小学信息技术教材第一册(下)第二课中的内容,教学对象是小学四年级学生。它是教材关于画图知识铺垫的延伸,并且贯穿着以后整个的画图知识教学


  钞,读音:[chāo]  部首: 钅  部外笔画: 4  总笔画: 9  五笔86: qitt  五笔98: qitt  仓颉: opfh  笔顺编号: 311152343  四角号码: 8972


  地理组 万思泉  各位领导,老师:  大家好!  今天我讲的课题是《北方地区和南方地区》.  首先,我对本节教材进行一下分析:  一